- // NPCs
- // Barnacle
- sk_barney_health '35'
- // Bullseye
- sk_bullsquid_health '120'
- sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip '60' //if enemy is at this HP or lower, use tail attack
- // Citizen
- sk_combine_s_health '50'
- sk_combine_guard_health '70'
- sk_combine_ace_health '100'
- // Strider
- sk_strider_num_missiles1 '5'
- sk_strider_num_missiles3 '7'
- // Headcrab
- sk_headcrab_melee_dmg '10'
- // Fast Headcrab
- sk_headcrab_poison_health '35'
- // Houndeye - Uncommented as SMOD reactivates it.
- sk_houndeye_dmg_blast '120' //25
- // Manhack
- sk_manhack_melee_dmg '40'
- // Metropolice
- sk_metropolice_stitch_reaction '1.0'
- sk_metropolice_stitch_at_hitcount '1'
- sk_metropolice_stitch_along_hitcount '2'
- // Rollermine
- sk_rollermine_stun_delay '3'
- sk_scanner_health '30'
- sk_stalker_health '50'
- sk_vortigaunt_health '100'
- sk_vortigaunt_dmg_rake '80'
- sk_vortigaunt_armor_charge '50'
- // Zombie
- sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash '44'
- sk_zombie_poison_health '175'
- sk_zombie2_health '40' //50
- sk_zombie_soldier_health '100'
- //Antlion
- sk_antlion_swipe_damage '20'
- sk_antlionguard_health '1000' //500
- sk_antlionguard_dmg_shove '50' //10
- //Antlion Grub
- sk_ichthyosaur_health '200'
- sk_gunship_burst_size '15'
- sk_npc_dmg_gunship '20'
- npc_gunship_combatthink 0.15 //SMOD was 0.05. HL2 default was 0.2. This controls the gunship fire rate.
- sk_npc_dmg_helicopter '4'
- sk_helicopter_grenadedamage '20'
- sk_helicopter_grenadeforce '55000'
- // Combine Dropship
- sk_apc_health '750'
- sk_npc_dmg_ar2 '8' //3
- sk_max_ar2_altfire '3'
- sk_npc_dmg_ak47 '12' //20
- sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun '5'
- sk_max_alyxgun '300'
- sk_npc_dmg_pistol '5' //3
- sk_npc_dmg_smg1 '4' //4
- weapon_smg_firerate '0.08' //HL2 Default 0.075
- sk_plr_dmg_grease '8' //10
- sk_plr_dmg_mp5_min '6'
- sk_plr_dmg_buckshot '8'
- sk_max_buckshot '40' //30
- sk_npc_dmg_rpg_round '100' //50
- sk_npc_dmg_smg1_grenade '100' //50
- sk_smg1_grenade_radius '250'
- sk_plr_dmg_gauss '20' //10
- sk_max_gauss_round '400' //30
- sk_plr_dmg_sniper_round '20'
- sk_max_sniper_round '20'
- sk_plr_dmg_357 '30'
- sk_max_357 '24' //12
- sk_plr_dmg_kar98 '45' //100
- sk_npc_dmg_crossbow '20'
- sk_npc_dmg_svd_scale '0.8' //1
- weapon_svd_speedscale '0.7'
- sk_plr_dmg_airboat '3'
- //sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_npc '100'
- sk_dmg_anm14 '20'
- sk_npc_dmg_grenade '75' //75
- sk_npc_dmg_crowbar '7' //5
- sk_plr_dmg_stunstick '20'
- sk_npc_dmg_stunstick '40' // Kill a citizen in one hit
- //sk_plr_dmg_satchel '150'
- //sk_satchel_radius '150'
- // Mortar Synth projectile
- //sk_energy_grenade_radius '100'
- sk_dmg_homer_grenade '10'
- sk_dmg_spit_grenade '10'
- weapon_lasergun_alt_damage '5' //200
- //sk_plr_dmg_tripmine '150'
- //sk_tripmine_radius '200'
- sk_max_flare_round '30'
- sk_plr_dmg_fraggrenade '62'
- sk_fraggrenade_radius '250'
- //Gravity Grenade
- weapon_cfrag_decrementammotype '1'
- weapon_psp_discdamage '50'
- weapon_psp_discdamageradius '50'
- weapon_psp_discspeed '1000'
- sk_max_scissor '10'
- weapon_scissor_decrementammotype '0' //Use Ammo for this weapon?
- weapon_scissor_speed '1000'
- //Banana Bomb
- weapon_explocluster_force '100'
- weapon_shovel_float_angle '60'
- weapon_shovel_stab_damage '40'
- weapon_shovel_swing_damage '10'
- weapon_stcannon_chargespeed '0.05'
- //Hopwire
- weapon_old_hopwire_damage '50' //50
- //Soy
- weapon_soy_isoflavone '5' //Health Gained From Eating. Possibly Damage?
- //Flamethrower
- weapon_flamethrower_recharge_rate '2' //5
- weapon_flamethrower_recharge_useammo '1'
- kick_powerscale '1'
- sk_suitcharger_citadel '500'
- sk_battery '35'
- sk_healthkit '100'
- sk_combineball_seek_angle '15'
- sk_npc_dmg_combineball '50'
- // NPC damage adjusters
- sk_npc_chest '2.6'
- sk_npc_arm '2.26'
- sk_player_head '2.5'
- sk_player_stomach '1.5'
- sk_player_leg '1.5'
- // player skill damage multipliers
- sk_dmg_inflict_scale2 '5.00'
- sk_dmg_take_scale2 '2.00' //1.00
- sk_ally_regen_time '0.2'
- smod_cod_healthregen_warn 0.7
Sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 5 Minutes
Sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 5 Hours
Sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash 5 Inch
Entity CVARs. Entity-related commands that can be edited through configuration file or console command in-game. Most monsters and weapons can be modified to fit your map. https://natgol.netlify.app/blade-and-soul-dmg-comparison.html. Starfinder weapon usage. After 3-tier system has been removed in never version, only one default setting for all skill levels is used, and modified to fit difficulty based on player. Dec 05, 2019 I was able to play the game just fine up until the Office Complex chapter (specifically the parts in the freezer). When I saved there and wanted to play the game again the next day, the game now gets past the Crowbar Collective logo but crashes with a popping noise while loading with the Office Complex chapter background. My specs are: OS: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic Kernel: x8664 Linux 5.0.0-37.
PowerISO canburn dmg file directly to a CD / DVD disc. Mac dmg to usb windows. You needn't convertdmg to iso file before burning.To burn dmg file on Windows PC, please follow the steps,.Run PowerISO, and insert a blank or rewritable opticaldisc in the drive.Click 'Burn' button on toolbar or select the 'Tools Burn' Menu.PowerISO shows ' DMG Burner' dialog.Click 'Browse' button to select the DMG file you want to burn.Select the burning drive and the burning speed from thelist. Like ISO files, DMG files are essentially diskimages, which are intended to be used with the Mac operating system. The DMG files normally contain program installation files for Applesystem and applications, but they can also be used to hold compressed files.With PowerISO, you can manipulate dmg files on Windows PC.