Max Dmg Reduction Classic Wow

  1. The basic building blocks for your character are your Attributes. They determine your physical and mental aptitude. The five attributes that define one's character are listed below. They are primary attributes that influence characteristics. Abbreviated Str Increases your attack power with melee weapons. Increases the amount of damage you can block with a shield. Warriors, Shamans, Druids.
  2. Armor reduces physical damage done against you by a certain proportion against all attackers. It depends entirely on the level of the monster (or player) hitting you and your own armor. Your level doesn't matter. By hovering your mouse over Armor on your Character screen, you can see the percentage value of this reduction for damage done by enemies that are at your current level. This percent.

Sep 30, 2019  On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Warrior DPS in both single-target and multiple-target PvE situations in WoW Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. In order to minmax your DPS.

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Damage reduction in percent for melee attacks taken from a target of the same level. Note that this graph peaks at 75% for all levels, since this is the maximum damage reduction gain from armor.

Armor reduces physical damage done against you by a certain proportion. It depends entirely on the level of the monster (or player) hitting you and your own armor. Your level doesn't matter. By hovering your mouse over Armor on your Character screen, you can see the percentage value of this reduction for damage done by enemies that are at your current level. This percent reduction will actually fall as soon as you gain a level if you're still wearing the same armor. You haven't lost anything, it's merely showing you that your armor isn't as effective against monsters one level higher than you used to be.

The most important thing to remember about armor is: An X% increase in armor means an X% increase in armor's contribution to the amount of damage you can take.

The formula for the base armor value is:

Base Armor = 2 * Agility + gear armor + magic armor

Gear armor is the armor value from the gear you are wearing. Magic armor is the extra armor from buffs such as scrolls, mage armor, armor kits etc.

Can dmg be used in combination with denosyl. Note that talents which give a percentage bonus to armor (like druid bear form) do not include magic armor in their boost to the armor rating. This is especially important for druids since bonuses received from armor kits, sets and green effects in general are not affected by Bear, Moonkin, or Tree Form or armor-increasing talents.

For enemies from level 1 to 59, the reduction to physical damage, as a percentage, is given by the following formula:

%Reduction = (Armor / ([85 * Enemy_Level] + Armor + 400)) * 100

For enemies from level 60 and up, the reduction to physical damage, as a percentage, is given by the following formula: Nothing happens when clickon dmg file.

%Reduction = (Armor / ([467.5 * Enemy_Level] + Armor - 22167.5)) * 100

For level 80 and raid bosses, this simplifies to:

%Reduction for 80 = (Armor / (Armor + 15232.5)) * 100
%Reduction for 83 = (Armor / (Armor + 16635)) * 100

Note that the maximum damage reduction is capped at 75%. The 15232.5 and 16635 numbers in the denominator are often confused. The constant is based on the attacker's level, not the target's level. Use 15232.5 for your attacks (outgoing) and 16635 for damage received.

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For level 83 bosses, as described below, armor caps at 49905. The Diminishing Returns on armor as you approach the cap are rather harsh; both functions are graphed below.

Damage reduction gained by each point of armor from 30k to 50k armor vs a level 83 boss.
Actual damage reduction from armor at armor values against level 83 raid bosses.
  • 3That EXTRA armour that I need - General formulae
    • 3.1The general formulae

Damage Soak

Although the character sheet tooltip gives the amount of damage that the armor absorbs, it is more useful to think of how much more damage the player can take.

In general, the armor reduction formula can be written as

Reduction = Armor / (Armor + X)
Max dmg reduction classic wow map

If the enemy is lower than level 60, X = 85 * Enemy_Level + 400. If the enemy is level 60 or higher, X = 467.5 * Enemy_Level - 22167.5 Therefore, the amount of damage that the player takes after their armor's damage reduction is applied is:

Damage_Taken = Damage_Dealt * ( 1 - ( Armor / (Armor + X) ) )
Damage_Taken = Damage_Dealt * ( X / (Armor + X) )

So the ratio of damage dealt to damage taken is:

Damage_Dealt / Damage_Taken
(Armor + X) / X
1 + (Armor / X)

Therefore, the increase in the amount of damage the player can take compared to having no armor at all, as a percentage, is:

(Armor / X) * 100

Therefore, an X increase in armor (compared to 0 armor) means an 100% increase in the amount of damage the player can take. e.g. For a level 70 enemy, X = 10557.5. So a player with 10557.5 armor attacking a level 70 enemy would be able to take 100% more damage. A player with 31672.5 armor would be able to take 300% more damage than a player with 0 armor (which is the maximum).

Armor required to get X% damage reduction

To calculate the amount of armor needed for maximum mitigation against a lvl 59 or below enemy, one can use the following formula:

Verify that the system is now using JDK 8. Once it is successfully installed, it is installed inside /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines folder. Double-click the downloaded file ‘jdk-8u25-macosx-x64.dmg’ and follow the on-screen installation.3. $ ls -l /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/total 0drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Nov 4 2013 jdk1.7.045.jdkdrwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Jan 16 14:13 jdk1.8.025.jdk4.

Armor = 1200 + 255 * Enemy_Level

Thus a lvl 59 character who wants to achieve 75% reduction vs. lvl 59 mobs would need 16245 AC. Note that this changes beyond lvl 59, as the formula to calculate damage reduction for levels 60 and up requires much more armor to get the same mitigation. Despite the much higher armor values required for 75% reduction at levels 70 and higher, it is currently possible for a well-geared druid to reach this point (see this page).

Or a more general formula. The amount of armor needed for a specific reduction is:

Armor = %Reduction * (400 + 85 * Enemy_Level) / (100 - %Reduction)

Against a level 59 and less:

Armor = (400 + 85 * Enemy Level ) / ( 100 / %Reduction - 1)

Against a level 60 and up:

Armor = (467.5 * Enemy Level - 22167.5 ) / ( 100 / %Reduction - 1)

Armor required to get 50%, 60%, 70% and 75% damage reduction against lvl 60, 63, 70 and 73 mobs.

Damage reduction
Enemy lvl50%60%70%75%

%Reduction Formula

%Reduction = 100 / ( (467.5 * EnemyLevel - 22167.5) / Armor + 1 )

That EXTRA armour that I need - General formulae

This section is written to answer the question 'What's the amount of extra armour that I should add in order to gain extra 5% or 7.3% or 27.4% or whatever EXTRA percentage that I wish to gain in damage reduction?'.

The most straightforward/obvious solution is to use the 'armour-damage-reduction' formulae given in the section above. However, there is an exact general formula to find the answer for each case - either against a level 59 or lower mob or against a level 60 or higher mob. The formulae are given below the example of straightforward solution.

Example of straightforward solution: (you may skip this part)

If your current total amount of armour provides you with 35% in damage reduction and you wish to add extra 10% to get a total of 45%, what is the amount of extra armour that you should add?

Against a mob with level no higher than 59, you could do the following subtraction:

Extra armour = new armour - current armour

'Current armour' is the total amount of armour that you currently possess. 'New armour' is the new total amount of armour that you want to have in order to gain that extra percentage in damage reduction.

From the previous section, 'new armour' = (400 + 85 * Enemy Level ) / ( 100 / 45 - 1) and obviously you get the value 'current armour' by summing the amount of your equipments armour. Then, by doing the subtraction you get the amount of 'extra armour' you need in order to gain extra 10% in damage reduction.

Note though, that you need to calculate your current percentage in damage reduction by solving the armour formula with your current armour value.

The general formulae

Before looking at the formulae, please note the following representations:

A = current amount of armour
= extra amount of armour that you need to add to your current amount of armour to get certain extra percentage in damage reduction
R = current percentage in damage reduction provided by your equipments, buffs, etc
= extra percentage in damage reduction that you wish to add to your current percentage in damage reduction
L = enemy's level

Please also note that these formulae are derived based on the equations given in the previous section which are still lacking in citation.

Against a level 59 or lower mob:

Against a level 60 or higher mob:

These formulae are in fact more general than the formulae given in the section above. In addition to using these general formulae to calculate difference, if you take R to be 0, these general formulae are in fact the same as the formulae given in the previous section.


From the table in the previous section we have the following figures:

Damage reduction
Enemy lvl50%60%70%75%

If your current armour provides 50% in damage reduction against a level 63 mob, you have 7285 armour. However, if you want to add another 25% on top of your 50% to get 75%, you'll need 21855 armour. So the EXTRA amount of armour that you need to add is 21855 - 7285 = 14570.

Let's see if we can get the same extra amount of armour (14570) by using the formula given above (note: please punch the numbers into your calculator carefully or use wolfram alpha). For level 60 or higher mob, we have:

A = 7285
R = 50
= 25
L = 63


Warning: college level calculus is required.

There are only two steps in each of the proofs.

1. Differential
2. Integrate both sides with the following limits:

External links

Not a reference, since this forum post is not from an official source:

'WoW Dungeons & Raids' forum (US) 0. Patch 2.01 and TBC Armor & Damage Reduction | 12/07/2006 09:03:47 PM PST by Piousflea

Up to date calculator:

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Max Dmg Reduction Classic Wow Release

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CTC, short for Combat Table Coverage, is how close a tank is to being unhittable. The goal is 102.4% to make sure that every hit is either a Block, Parry, Dodge or Miss. (dodge % + parry % + block chance % + 5 % miss base). For both classes of shield tank, Paladin and Warrior, the consensus is that for fights with mostly physical damage, reaching the CTC cap by stacking mastery is a higher priority than dodge/parry or stamina. Beyond the CTC cap, many tanks move their gemming towards stamina, rather than the other option of higher dodge/parry.[1]

For high magic damage fights (heroic Yor'sahj has more than 70% of the total damage on the tank(s) as shadow damage), tanks ignore CTC cap and wear their max stamina set of gear. Some go so far as to regem to [Effulgent Shadowspirit Diamond] for that fight and taking using [Prismatic Elixir], as well as wearing both [[Mirror of Broken Images}} and Sindragosa's Flawless Fang#Heroic.

Showing current CTC can be done by typing the following in-game:

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: '.string.format('%.2f', GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance() +5))

A longer version of that macro can total up your avoidance and net dmg reduction from dodge/parry/block, counting a block as reducing dmg by 31%, i.e. assuming [Eternal Shadowspirit Diamond] and no crit block. The net damage reduction part of the macro is most useful for paladins that aren't yet block capped, and still undervalues mastery because Holy Shield uptime isn't accounted for. Also, damage reduction from armor and from talents are separate. Modifications of this macro to make it more relevant for block capped tanks, and for warriors in general, are welcome.

/run local b,d,p=GetBlockChance(),GetDodgeChance(),GetParryChance() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( format('Unhittable: %.2f%% Avoidance: %.2f%% Net Dmg Reduction: %.2f%%', b+d+p+5, d+p, d+p+5 + 0.31*b))

Before regemming gear to aim exactly for 102.4%, remember to get the relevant buffs that affect CTC: the food buff you normally raid with, 5% all stats ([Mark of the Wild] / [Blessing of Kings] / Will of the Emperor). Strength converts to a small amount of parry rating, so you need your raid-buffed strength to know where you stand exactly.


  1. ^

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