Dmg Where To Find Loot Tables

It'd be nice to have a tool that digitized all the rollable tables from the DMG. I could roll loot, roll an NPC, or roll an adventure or city with a click. Dec 04, 2014  Roll an Adventure Using the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide — Part I. Posted on December 4. Some tables in the DMG can be re-purposed if you get a little creative. For example, on pages 144-149 you’ll find a number of tables to randomly generate discovered magic items. Let’s just use one to identify the TYPE of artifact.

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Monsters With Treasure

Every monster has a treasure rating (indicating how much treasure it has, although for some creatures the rating is “None”). The tables found below are used to determine the specifics. After referencing the level and kind of treasure (coins, goods, items) found in the creature’s description, roll on the appropriate row and columns of the proper table.

When generating an encounter dealing with monsters away from their lair, remember that a creature only takes what it can easily carry with it. In the case of a creature that cannot use treasure, that generally means nothing. The monster safeguards or hides its treasure as well as it can, but it leaves it behind when outside the lair. Intelligent creatures that own useful, portable treasure (such as magic items) tend to carry and use these, leaving bulky items at home. Treasure can include coins, goods, and items. Creatures can have varying amounts of each, as follows.


Refer to the treasure tables and roll d% once for each type of treasure (Coins, Goods, Items) on the Level section of the table that corresponds to the creature’s Challenge Rating (for groups of creatures, use the Encounter Level for the encounter instead). Some creatures have double, triple, or even quadruple standard treasure; in these cases, roll for each type of treasure two, three, or four times.


The creature collects no treasure of its own.


Dmg Where To Find Loot Tables Near Me

Some creatures have quirks or habits that affect the types of treasure they collect. These creatures use the same treasure tables, but with special adjustments.

Fractional Coins

Roll on the Coins column in the section corresponding to the creature’s Challenge Rating, but divide the result as indicated.

% Goods or Items

The creature has goods or items only some of the time. Before checking for goods or items, roll d% against the given percentage. On a success, make a normal roll on the appropriate Goods or Items column (which may still result in no goods or items).

Dmg Where To Find Loot Tables 2017

Double Goods or Items

Roll twice on the appropriate Goods or Items column.

Parenthetical Notes

Some entries for goods or items include notes that limit the types of treasure a creature collects.

When a note includes the word “no,” it means the creature does not collect or cannot keep that thing. If a random roll generates such a result, treat the result as “none” instead.

When a note includes the word “only,” the creature goes out of its way to collect treasure of the indicated type. Treat all results from that column as the indicated type of treasure.

It’s sometimes necessary to reroll until the right sort of item appears.

Using The Treasure Table

Cross-reference the level of the treasure on the left with the type of treasure. The level of the treasure is equal to the CR of the monsters in the encounter. A standard treasure (one that includes coins, goods, and items) requires three rolls, one for each category.

Table: Treasure Values per Encounter
per Encounter
per Encounter
1300 gp117,500 gp
2600 gp129,800 gp
3900 gp1313,000 gp
41,200 gp1417,000 gp
51,600 gp1522,000 gp
62,000 gp1628,000 gp
72,600 gp1736,000 gp
83,400 gp1847,000 gp
94,500 gp1961,000 gp
105,800 gp2080,000 gp

On average, the PCs should earn one treasure suitable to their level for each encounter they overcome.

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Table: Average Treasure Results
TypeAverage Result
Gem275 gp
Art object1,100 gp
Mundane item350 gp
Minor magic item1,000 gp
Medium magic item10,000 gp
Major magic item40,000 gp
Table: Treasure
15-291d6 × 1,000 cp91-951 gem72-951 mundane
30-521d8 × 100 sp96-1001 art96-1001 minor
53-952d8 × 10 gp
96-1001d4 × 10 pp
14-231d10 × 1,000 cp82-951d3 gems50-851 mundane
24-432d10 × 100 sp96-1001d3 art86-1001 minor
44-954d10 × 10 gp
96-1002d8 × 10 pp
12-212d10 × 1,000 cp78-951d3 gems50-791d3 mundane
22-414d8 × 100 sp96-1001d3 art80-1001 minor
42-951d4 × 100 gp
96-1001d10 × 10 pp
12-213d10 × 1,000 cp71-951d4 gems43-621d4 mundane
22-414d12 × 1,000 sp96-1001d3 art63-1001 minor
42-951d6 × 100 gp
96-1001d8 × 10 pp
11-191d4 × 10,000 cp61-951d4 gems58-671d4 mundane
20-381d6 × 1,000 sp96-1001d4 art68-1001d3 minor
39-951d8 × 100 gp
96-1001d10 × 10 pp
11-181d6 × 10,000 cp57-921d4 gems55-591d4 mundane
19-371d8 × 1,000 sp93-1001d4 art60-991d3 minor
38-951d10 × 100 gp1001 medium
96-1001d12 × 10 pp
12-181d10 × 10,000 cp49-881d4 gems52-971d3 minor
19-351d12 × 1,000 sp89-1001d4 art98-1001 medium
36-932d6 × 100 gp
94-1003d4 × 10 pp
11-151d12 × 10,000 cp46-851d6 gems49-961d4 minor
16-292d6 × 1,000 sp86-1001d4 art97-1001 medium
30-872d8 × 100 gp
88-1003d6 × 10 pp
11-152d6 × 10,000 cp41-801d8 gems44-911d4 minor
16-292d8 × 1,000 sp81-1001d4 art92-1001 medium
30-855d4 × 100 gp
86-1002d12 × 10 pp
11-242d10 × 1,000 sp36-791d8 gems41-881d4 minor
25-796d4 × 100 gp80-1001d6 art89-991 medium
80-1005d6 × 10 pp1001 major
09-143d10 × 1,000 sp25-741d10 gems32-841d4 minor
15-754d8 × 100 gp75-1001d6 art85-981 medium
76-1004d10 × 10 pp99-1001 major
09-143d12 × 1,000 sp18-701d10 gems28-821d6 minor
15-751d4 × 1,000 gp71-1001d8 art83-971 medium
76-1001d4 × 100 pp98-1001 major
09-751d4 × 1,000 gp12-661d12 gems20-731d6 minor
76-1001d10 × 100 pp67-1001d10 art74-951 medium
96-1001 major
09-751d6 × 1,000 gp12-662d8 gems20-581d6 minor
76-1001d12 × 100 pp67-1002d6 art59-921 medium
93-1001 major
04-741d8 × 1,000 gp10-652d10 gems12-461d10 minor
75-1003d4 × 100 pp66-1002d8 art47-901 medium
91-1001 major
04-741d12 × 1,000 gp08-644d6 gems41-461d10 minor
75-1003d4 × 100 pp65-1002d10 art47-901d3 medium
91-1001 major
04-683d4 × 1,000 gp05-634d8 gems34-831d3 medium
69-1002d10 × 100 pp64-1003d8 art84-1001 major
03-653d6 × 1,000 gp05-543d12 gems25-801d4 medium
66-1005d4 × 100 pp55-1003d10 art81-1001 major
03-653d8 × 1,000 gp04-506d6 gems05-701d4 medium
66-1003d10 × 100 pp51-1006d6 art71-1001 major
03-654d8 × 1,000 gp03-384d10 gems26-651d4 medium
66-1004d10 × 100 pp39-1007d6 art66-1001d3 major

For treasures above 20th level, use the 20th-level row and then add a number of random major items.

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LevelMagic Items
LevelMagic Items
LevelMagic Items
Table: Gems
01-254d4 gp10 gpBanded, eye, or moss agate; azurite; blue quartz; hematite; lapis lazuli; malachite; obsidian; rhodochrosite; tiger eye turquoise; freshwater (irregular) pearl
26-502d4 × 10 gp50 gpBloodstone; carnelian; chalcedony; chrysoprase; citrine; iolite, jasper; moonstone; onyx; peridot; rock crystal (clear quartz); sard; sardonyx; rose, smoky, or star rose quartz; zircon
51-704d4 × 10 gp100 gpAmber; amethyst; chrysoberyl; coral; red or brown-green garnet; jade; jet; white, golden, pink, or silver pearl; red spinel, red-brown or deep green spinel; tourmaline
71-902d4 × 100 gp500 gpAlexandrite; aquamarine; violet garnet; black pearl; deep blue spinel; golden yellow topaz
91-994d4 × 100 gp1,000 gpEmerald; white, black, or fire opal; blue sapphire; fiery yellow or rich purple corundum; blue or black star sapphire; star ruby
1002d4 × 1,000 gp5,000 gpClearest bright green emerald; blue-white, canary, pink, brown, or blue diamond; jacinth
Table: Art Objects
01-101d10 × 10 gp55 gpSilver ewer; carved bone or ivory statuette; finely wrought small gold bracelet
11-253d6 × 10 gp105 gpCloth of gold vestments; black velvet mask with numerous citrines; silver chalice with lapis lazuli gems
26-401d6 × 100 gp350 gpLarge well-done wool tapestry; brass mug with jade inlays
41-501d10 × 100 gp550 gpSilver comb with moonstones; silver-plated steel longsword with jet jewel in hilt
51-602d6 × 100 gp700 gpCarved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems; solid gold idol (10 lb.)
61-703d6 × 100 gp1,050 gpGold dragon comb with red garnet eye; gold and topaz bottle stopper cork; ceremonial electrum dagger with a star ruby in the pommel
71-804d6 × 100 gp1,400 gpEyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone; fire opal pendant on a fine gold chain; old masterpiece painting
81-855d6 × 100 gp1,750 gpEmbroidered silk and velvet mantle with numerous moonstones; sapphire pendant on gold chain
86-901d4 × 1,000 gp2,500 gpEmbroidered and bejeweled glove; jeweled anklet; gold music box
91-951d6 × 1,000 gp3,500 gpGolden circlet with four aquamarines; a string of small pink pearls (necklace)
96-992d4 × 1,000 gp5,000 gpJeweled gold crown; jeweled electrum ring
1002d6 × 1,000 gp7,000 gpGold and ruby ring; gold cup set with emeralds
Table: Mundane Items
d%Mundane Item
01-17Alchemical item
01-12Alchemist’s fire (1d4 flasks, 20 gp each)
13-24Acid (2d4 flasks, 10 gp each)
25-36Smokesticks (1d4 sticks, 20 gp each)
37-48Holy water (1d4 flasks, 25 gp each)
49-62Antitoxin (1d4 doses, 50 gp each)
63-74Everburning torch
75-88Tanglefoot bags (1d4 bags, 50 gp each)
89-100Thunderstones (1d4 stones, 30 gp each)
18-50Armor (roll d%: 01-10 = Small, 11-100 = Medium)
01-12Chain shirt (100 gp)
13-18Masterwork studded leather (175 gp)
19-26Breastplate (200 gp)
27-34Banded mail (250 gp)
35-54Half-plate (600 gp)
55-80Full plate (1,500 gp)
01-50Buckler (205 gp)
51-100Shield (257 gp)
91-100Masterwork shield
01-17Buckler (165 gp)
18-40Light wooden shield (153 gp)
41-60Light steel shield (159 gp)
61-83Heavy wooden shield (157 gp)
84-100Heavy steel shield (170 gp)
01-50Masterwork common melee weapon
51-70Masterwork uncommon weapon
71-100Masterwork common ranged weapon
84-100Tools and gear
01-03Backpack, empty (2 gp)
04-06Crowbar (2 gp)
07-11Lantern, bullseye (12 gp)
12-16Lock, simple (20 gp)
17-21Lock, average (40 gp)
22-28Lock, good (80 gp)
29-35Lock, superior (150 gp)
36-40Manacles, masterwork (50 gp)
41-43Mirror, small steel (10 gp)
44-46Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp)
47-53Spyglass (1,000 gp)
54-58Artisan’s tools, masterwork (55 gp)
59-63Climber’s kit (80 gp)
64-68Disguise kit (50 gp)
69-73Healer’s kit (50 gp)
74-77Holy symbol, silver (25 gp)
78-81Hourglass (25 gp)
82-88Magnifying glass (100 gp)
89-95Musical instrument, masterwork (100 gp)
96-100Thieves’ tools, masterwork (50 gp)

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This BDO Grinding Spot Guide takes a look at the many hunting zones in Black Desert, in which you can level. Lets use a table to sort BDO Grinding Spots by Level, AP, DP, Silver per hour, and Experience.

Grinding Spot Highlights:

  • Numbers shown assume 5 Tier 3 pets
  • Combat Exp values assume 450% Exp rate and Marni Stone use, if available. Read more about Combat Exp buffs in our BDO Leveling Guide
  • Skill Point values assume 100% Skill Exp rate.
  • Silver is in millions per hour

Grinding Spot income and leveling times are influenced by so many factors, so take this guide with a big grain of salt! Read more about Money and Exp influences below. None of my dmg are downloading.

Grinding Spot WIP:

This grinding spot list is a work in progress. Some are missing or need Money and Exp values. Please comment below, if you have data on any grinding spots. Thanks!

ATTENTION: Grinding Spot Money Increase:

From Patch Notes – 17th December 2019, junk items increased in value up to 75%.

The values in this grinding spot table, do NOT reflect any of these changes. So please take that into account, when selecting a hunting zone. Skip this table to see exact percentage increases below.

BDO Grinding Spots Money & Exp List

Grinding Spot Money Increase

From Patch Notes – 17th December 2019, junk items increased in value up to 75%.

The values in the grinding spot table above and in this guide, do NOT reflect any of the changes shown below. So please take that into account, when selecting a hunting zone.

Grinding Spt Junk Item Price (Increase Rate)
Desert Naga Temple Desert Naga’s Webfoot 1,000 → 1,750 (75%)
Bashim Base Bashim Mane 1,100 → 1,925 (75%)
Titium Valley Desert Fogan’s Helmet Shard 1,040 → 1,820 (75%)
Crescent Shrine Token of Crescent 1,080 → 1,890 (75%)
Tshira Ruins Swamp Leaves 1,160 → 2,030 (75%)
Gahaz Bandit’s Lair Gahaz Seal 1,600 → 2,400 (50%)
Cadry Ruins Cadry’s Token 1,200 → 2,100 (75%)
Fadus Habitat Fadus Armor Fragment 1,200 → 2,100 (75%)
Polly’s Forest Mushroom Hypha 1,700 → 1,955 (15%)
Waragon Nest Stone Waragon Hide 1,800 → 3,150 (75%)
Blood Wolf Settlement Blood Wolf Mane 1,430 → 2,120 (48%)
Basilisk Den Basilisk Scale 2,000 → 3,000 (50%)
Centaurus Herd Centaurus Mane 2,160 → 3,240 (50%)
Pila Ku Jail Warder’s Token Piece 2,400 → 3,600 (50%)
Roud Sulfur Mine Sulfur Fragment 2,000 → 3,000 (50%)
Sherekhan Necropolis Bravery Token 2,650 → 3,445 (30%)
Sherekhan Necropolis (at night) Medal of Bravery 50,000 → 65,000 (30%)
Forest Ronaros Hoof of Forest Ronaros 3,600 → 4,320 (20%)
Manshaum Forest Narc Magic Mark 8,000 → 8,800 (10%)

Grinding Spots Money Per Hour

Item Collection Scroll:
Besides pets, the biggest influencer of money earned at grinding spots is the Item Collection scroll available in the Pearl Shop. The numbers here don’t include that. I frequently see players report an increase of 60% when using these. From my own experience, I noticed a big difference, but unfortunately didn’t think about doing the math and recording it against a normal grinding spot session.


You can also obtain Item Collection Scrolls by turning in 10 Dark Spirit’s Greed from completing Dark Rifts. You get 1 per Dark Rift, so it’s not an easily repeatable thing.

Silver is highly impacted by pets. If you only have 1 pet, you can’t earn the money reported at these grinding spots because loot will be left behind. Money reflects 5 Tier 3 pets.

Value Pack & Taxes:
Value Pack buff and Taxes are not calculated into the silver earned. Recieving your earnings with a VP buff on will give you 84.5% of everything sold instead of 65%. (Central Market puts a 35% tax on every item it sells for you.)

Dmg Where To Find Loot Tables Without

Sell the Kitchen Sink:
Money per hour shown assumes everything is sold at Central Market and putting value on items that you can’t or shouldn’t sell. One example of this is Spirit Dust, which can’t actually be sold, but does have great value because it’s used to create Caphras Stones. Ancient Spirit Dust is normally valued based upon Caphras Stone prices. All Enhancement items have value, but most players probably hold onto these for Enhancement sessions.

Money Impacted by Everything but the Kitchen Sink:
Your AP, Class, Level, buffs, PVP interactions, travel time, Weight Limit, Inventory, NPC access, Maid count, Party size… whew! All have an impact on how much money you can earn from grinding spots.

Oh RNG can be a fickle thing! If you have a bad hour, don’t give up! Little elves keep track of your bad luck and sprinkle hope dust over you for the next hour. It’s true!

Grinding Spots Combat Exp Per Hour

Combat Exp is also extremely variable, depending on many of the things already mentioned. Combat Exp can be hindered even by inventory space, if you are forced to stop grinding to sell at an NPC every 20 minutes.

The biggest influencer of Combat Exp is the stackable Combat Exp buffs readily available in a variety of scrolls, books, bells, etc. They are detailed in our BDO Leveling Guide. Combat Exp shown assumes a 450% Combat Exp buff.

Grinding Spot Additional Info and Sources

This Grinding Spot Guide could not have been possible without the wonderful time and effort of players who share their BDO adventures!

Grinding Spot Youtubers:

ACanadianNoob’s Grinding Spot Guide

The following tactics are quoted from an awesome Grinding Spot Guide written by u/ACanadianNoob on reddit. Crude List of Grinding Spots Thanks ACanadianNoob! 🙂 They have a Twitch channel here.

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There are more grind spots than just Gahaz and Fogans for people under softcap you know 🙂

Your results may vary depending on gear, class, buffs, and especially effort. The money per hour here are estimates by me assuming 5 tier 1 pets on alert mode. Some spots don’t have money estimates because perhaps the prices of the drops are too volatile, I haven’t grinded there enough, it’s heavily dependent on your skill, or I can’t grind there currently.

Early game grind spots:

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Assumes buffed with Simple Cron Meal.

<100 AP <Lv50: Rotating around elite monsters from Calpheon such as Energetic Fat Catfishmen, Violents at Mansha Forest, Abandoned Monastery, and Rhutum Outpost are great ways to make starting cash. Also very good if you do not have pets or have less than 4 pets. Also straight up grinding Hexe Sanctuary is decent as well.

100-149AP <Lv56: Helms (surface) up to 25mil/hr, Wandering Rogues up to 30mil/hr, Manes Hideout up to 20mil/hr, Abandoned Iron Mine up to 30mil/hr. Elite rotation around all of these areas make the most money in these spots.

150-179AP <lv58: Fogans 25-ish mil/hr, Bashims 18-20mil/hr, Nagas 20-ish mil/hr, Pirates (15-30mil/hr, high trading helps a lot and the spot is quite inconvenient to go to and leave), Sausans up to 40mil/hr (lots of weight/maids required unfortunately), Fadus Habitat (recently got a rework, not sure how much money/hr), Helms Cave up to 30mil/hr (should be much higher but dependent on seal prices and AFAIK they butchered some of the rotations). Can start at 140 ap if you use species damage weapon like bares or elsh.

180-209AP <lv61: Gahaz up to 40mil/hr (if your rotation has elites), Cadry up to 35mil/hr, Tshira Ruins approx. 25mil/hr, Polly Forest (once it gets its rework it will be a grind spot at this tier – take the video with a grain of salt, most KR players use loot scroll in their showcase videos. assume 66% of the trash loot and 50% of the rare drops)

180 tri kutum: Protty Cave, Blood Wolf Den, Crescent Shrine (you want this AP to 1-2 shot the guardians)

Assumes at least level 60 with max awakening skill levels and common absolutes from mainhand tree depending on class. All mid tier spots assume buffed with Simple Cron, Ancient Grindstone/Villa buff, Destruction Spirit Stone.

209 tri kutum: Centaurs and Basilisks. (rely on price of belt / Black Magic Crystal) (assumes no villa buff)

209 tet kutum: Sherekhans and Pila Ku. sherekhans for hoom crystals + marnis and pila ku for scrolls

220 tet kutum: can start grinding Manshaums, especially if you’re a Musa. try to get at least 2200 marks.

220 tet kutum: Some parties will carry you at Mirumok at this ap. if they offer do it. the money and the exp will make it easier to get to 235ap in the future, especially with capotia earring. (capotia ring, tri crescent, tet weapons, capotia earring, tri blue coral earring, tri orkinrad belt is enough to get 235ap for kinda cheap)

220 tet kutum: Sycraia Underwater Ruins upper level can be done at this AP fairly well. It’s not the best money though.

Late game grind spots:

Assumes at least level 60 (Hystria and Sycraia need higher levels or mobs will be purple and dodge your attacks) with max awakening skill levels and common absolutes from mainhand tree depending on class. All spots assume buffed with appropriate Cron meal, Ancient Grindstone/Villa buff, Destruction Spirit Stone, Giant’s Draught.

235 tet kutum: Manshaums makes an appearance here again. Many classes that weren’t able to get good loot at 220 kutum will be able to get decent loot at 235 kutum. Manshaums is a very good spot for mobile classes and will often outpace Aakman grinding until 245 kutum on many classes. Drop rate is very important here as small mobu have as little as 37.5% chance to drop trash loot. So things like ecology, Arsha server, luck rate, node level, etc. are very important here! (simple cron)

235 tet kutum: Mirumok ruins parties will take you at this AP. Expect about 1.9-2.1K trash loot an hour at main rotation. North America Party finder Discord here: (simple cron)

235 tet kutum, 285+ DP: can do Aakman. some classes can do it before this point like around 225 tet kutum (witch/wiz/archer/lahn), some classes can attempt hystria at this point (sorc, mystic). your goal is 3k trash without loot modifiers like item scrolls but it’s still worth if you only pull like 2.5k. Keep in mind some classes need even more AP to grind here and have it be worth more than previous spots, like 245 Kutum (Striker, Ranger, Mystic, Musa etc.) (energizing cron)

Lv61+ 245 tet kutum, full TET DR boss armor (296 DP): some classes like sorc and dk and mystic and warrior have a nice time at Hystria at this ap. some others need to wait until 261 or even 265 nouver to get good at hystria and some never get there and will always make more money elsewhere. aim for 1.5k trash before loot scrolls or better. (Exquisite Cron)

Lv61+ 261 Nouver, 308+ DR based DP: Star’s End is a decent grind spot for Blackstar materials, and should be a good grind spot once erosion earrings are added to the game.

Lv62+ 261+ TET/PEN Kutum, 324+ DR based DP: Sycraia Underwater Ruins Abyssal LevelArcher needs even more dp cuz squish (Simple Cron)

There’s some spots you can go to in order to make silver. Always do some mild testing to make sure you can make more money from new spot than old spot before moving on to avoid inconveniencing people who would otherwise make even more at new spot. Assume for the first few hours until you have some practice in at a spot that you’re at around 50-65% efficiency and will get better as you learn rotations and pulls (especially true for aakman/hystria)

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Edit: forgot to include grass beetles at Olvia / Velia plains for over 1 billion silver an hour at 300 AP. especially prioritize the big scary violent ones /sarcasm btw

Real Edit: Some gems / items to help you grind at spots above your current gear level:

Dmg Where To Find Loot Tables For Sale

  • Dark Red Fang Valor glove crystals are great PvE options if you can’t afford JIN Vipers. Once you’re around 300 accuracy you have a solid hit-chance against most mobu in the game except Hystria, Pila Ku, and Sycraia Abyss. These crystals give you 5 AP per and 2 crit which is really solid. Despite what people tell you hidden AP is real AP too.

  • Valtarra Spirit Crystal helps in Kamasylvia places, and if you’re under 245 Kutum they’re marginally more effective than critical crystals with the added Kama mob damage as well as hidden AP. Highly recommended if you’re trying to do Manshaums/Mirumok at 220-244 AP. Critical crystal still better at high AP though, but hidden AP and monster damage does help get over DR thresholds in the mid game.

  • Macalod crystals help a bunch if you’re willing to sacrifice defense for additional hidden AP, accuracy, and stamina.

  • Precision crystals are a must for mobu that you need to keep CC’d that have high resists. For example keeping Aakman mobs knocked down or Hystria mobs stiffened/stunned can increase your trash/hr by as much as 500/250 or more at Aakman/Hystria respectively. Outside of these places sometimes hidden AP crystals are better in mainhand but only marginally and precisions help in PvP too, so…

  • Resistance crystals like RBF Adamantine and BMC Vigor / Intimidation help a lot when you’re starting out and don’t know how to avoid CC attacks from mobs. Bound effects at Manshaum can slow you down considerably, and getting knocked down or stiff-locked at Aakman/Hystria can literally be the death of you. These don’t increase your damage but may help if you find you’re getting CC’d a lot.

Real Edit 2: Linked grind spot review/guide/example videos to each grind spot that I could find a good one. Prioritized YouTubers like Duodecil, Kanzetic, and Not Theworst, as long as they had a relevant and decently up to date video available. Keep in mind you may get different results, and to take each example with a grain of salt.

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Real Edit 3: Formatting.