Daoc Most Dmg Spell Phoenix

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Mar 15, 2018 Hey everyone - Obelisk here. I've decided to start a video series discussing various DAoC classes. I want to touch on their popular specs, abilities, RA choices, things you want in template,. https://natgol.netlify.app/how-to-open-encrypted-dmg-on-windows.html.

Non-Macintosh systems may access DMG files and extract or convert them to ISO image files for burning. Several applications are designed to offer this solution for Windows systems. 7-Zip and DMG Extractor are the best options to open DMG file on Windows because they are compatible with the most DMG variations. For Linux a built-in 'cdrecord. Nov 13, 2019  How to Open DMG Files. This wikiHow teaches you how to open a DMG file on a Mac. Since DMG files are used predominately to install applications on Macs, you cannot properly open DMG files on Windows computers. Double-click the DMG file. For more information on JAR archives read JAR file article. To compress data APK file uses an algorithm similar to the one used in a ZIP file. APK file is similar to MSI files on Microsoft Windows platform, DMG files on Mac OS platform and IPA files on iOS. All of the above file formats are used to install software in a packaged form. Dec 05, 2014  A.dmg file is a compressed disk image most likely using an Apple file system. Plus you say it's encrypted so to see the contents you must first decompress the image archive, then mount it as a volume and finally decrypt the contents. Assuming for a minute that you have the decryption key, Android wouldn't be able to mount the file system. After installing DMG Extractor, all you have to do is double-click your DMG file to open it up. You can browse the files right in the DMG Extractor window if you just want to see what’s inside the DMG file. If you need to extract the file, click the “Extract” button on. How to open dmg file on android phone iphone.

Sep 21, 2007  Screenshot of a Mac OS X desktop with a mounted DMG file’s icon. DMG stands for Disk Image, and is a format commonly used to distribute files and applications among Apple computers. A DMG file is like a virtual DVD or hard drive. They can be “mounted” on your Mac in. Dec 17, 2011  A helpful command line tool called hdiutil is included in Mac OS X that allows disk image files (.dmg extension) to be mounted directly from the Terminal, without the need of using the GUI. Using hdiutil for such a task is helpful for scripting or remote connections through SSH. Run dmg in terminal mac. Jul 21, 2016  Question: Q: Run a DMG file from Terminal I have my mac booted up in recovery mode and instead of installing El Capitan, i'm trying to install Yosemite Combo from a USB stick, I have mounted the Yosemite image from the USB in disk utility, now I just need to run it so it installs, any idea how I.

DAOC Avatar Technical Guide - All you ever wanted to know about your toon
this guide was designed by mids, so it talks more about their armors, altho plate isnt ignored. (drawn from official forum 2012 but official staff member approved that 95% of that is correct he dint told if the guesses are right)
this guide is designed to provide an analysis of issues relevant to the endgame of DAOC: statistics, resists, caps, player-crafted weapons, and deriving the ultimate set of equipment for a given situation. It is a work in progress, like the other articles, and will be updated and corrected as new information surfaces.
For everyclass there are bewtween 4 to 5 relevant statistics that govern their performance in DAoC. Strength governs damage output for many melee weapons and is evident in the weaponskill factor shown on the character page. Constitution has a direct correlation to your hitpoints as a bonus to the hit point progression table of your class. Dexterity factors into some weaponskill calculations, notable all ranged attacks; and it factors in to many defenses--shield blocking, parry, evade; and it factors into the speed of spellcasting. QUICKNESS modifies all melee combat rate of swings and the chance to evade in combat. The remaining stats are PIETY, CHARISMA, EMPATHY, INTELLIGENCE. One of these stats may afect your character such as piety being the power pool and damage modifier for midgard casters while charisma affects skald performance.
In all cases the general effects of increasing stats are 1% modification for every 10 points above 50 until 250, then 1% for every 20 points from 251 - 350, at which all stats are hard capped.
There are nine total resistance attributes (resists) in DAOC. Three are resistances to physical damage (slashing, crushing, and thrusting damage); six are resistances to spells (heat, cold, spirit, body, matter, and energy). The resist number displayed in your 'Bonuses' window takes into account five factors: the sum of the resistances provided by your items, resistances provided by realm abilities like Avoidance of Magic, resistances provided by buffing spells, your inherent race-based resistances, and caps on resistances (see below). Often what is NOT SHOWN are the hidden resistances and sensitivites due to the armor you are wearing.
The race-based resistances are
Kobolds: 5% crush, 5% energy
Norsemen: 3% slash, 2% crush, 5% cold
Trolls: 3% slash, 2% thrust, 5% matter
Dwarfs: 2% slash, 3% thrust, 5% body
Valkyn: 3% slash, 2% thrust, 5% cold, 5% body
Celt: 3% slash, 2% crush, 5% spirit
Elf: 2% slash, 3% thrust, 5% spirit
Lurikeen: 5% crush, 5% energy
Firbolg: 2% slash, 3% crush, 5% heat
Sylvan: 2% thrust, 3% crush, 5% matter, 5% energy
Briton: 3% slash, 2% crush, 5% spirit
Saracen: 2% slash, 3% thrust, 5% heat
Avalonian: 3% slash, 2% crush, 5% spirit
Highlander: 2% slash, 3% crush, 5% cold
Inconnu: 3% thrust, 2% crush, 5% heat, 5% spirit
Physical resists directly decrease the amount of damage that a melee attack inflicts on you. If your crush resist is 25%, for example, a crushing attack that would have damaged you for 100 instead has 25 points of damage removed by your resists. Spell resistances work in a very similar way: a direct damage spell of the cold type damages you for 25% less if your cold resist is 25%. Currently mez/stun spells are not affected by your resistances; instead your chance of being mezzed/stunned depends entirely on your level and the level of your attacker. Mythic has stated that the duration of mez and stun, but not their hit/miss rate, will be decreased by the appropriate resist type (see below).
Resists are extremely important in both RvE and RvR. A 25% resist to a given damage type that you are facing effectively gives you (1/[1-resist])-1 = 33% more hit points (at high levels this is around +500 hp&#33. In addition it effectively boosts the healing potency of your healers by 25% since one heal spell now undoes four rounds of damage instead of three (for example). You will find yourself able to defeat significantly higher level opponents both in RvE and RvR when equipped with the right resists.
Your actual effective resist is the sum of the resists displayed in the bonuses window and the intrinsic resists of your armor type, which are not displayed. [Resist=good, Sensitive=bad] These intrinsic resists are:
PLATEMAIL:{base 34% absorption}: 13% sensitive to crush (hammers, maces), 11.1% resistant to thrust, 0% resistant to slash, 10% resistant to heat, 10% sensitive to cold, 10% sensitive to energy, 10% resistant to matter.
CHAINMAIL[NORSE]: {base 27% absorption}: 30% resistant to slash (all axes, most blades and most high level arrows (blunt and broadhead)), 9.1% resistant to crush (hammers, maces), 9.3% sensitive to thrust (spears, some arrows (bodkin), and some blades), 10% resistant to heat, 10% sensitive to energy, 10% resistant to matter.
CHAINMAIL[ALBION]:{base 27% absorption}: 9.1% resistant to slash (all axes, most blades and most high level arrows (blunt and broadhead)), 30% resistant to crush (hammers, maces), 9.3% sensitive to thrust (spears, some arrows (bodkin), and some blades), 10% resistant to heat, 10% sensitive to energy.
SCALEMAIL:{base 27% absorption}: 30% resistant to crush (hammers, maces), 9.1% resistant to thrust, 9.3% sensitive to slash, unknown spell resistances!(assume similar to chain)
REINFORCED: {base 19% absorption}: 18.3% resistant to slash, 7% sensitive to crush, 9.3% resistant to thrust, unknown spell resistances!(assume similar to studded).
STUDDED[NORSE]: {base 19% absorption}: 7% sensitive to slash, 9.3% resistant to crush, 18.1% resistant to thrust , 10% resistant to heat, 5% sensitive to cold,5% sensitive to energy, 5% sensitive to matter.
STUDDED[ALBION]: {base 19% absorption}: 9.3% resistant to slash, 18.3% resistant to crush, 7% sensitive to thrust , 10% resistant to heat, 5% sensitive to cold,5% sensitive to energy, 5% sensitive to matter.
LEATHER[NORSE]: {base 10% absorption}: 7% sensitive to slash, 9.3% resistant to crush, 18.1% resistant to thrust , 15% sensitive to heat, 10% resistant to cold, 5% resistant to matter.
LEATHER[ALBION]: {base 10% absorption}: 9.3% resistant to slash, 7% sensitive to crush, 18.1% resistant to thrust , 15% sensitive to heat, 10% resistant to cold, 5% resistant to matter.
LEATHER[HIBERNIAN]: {base 10% absorption}: 18.3% resistant to slash, 7% sensitive to crush, 9.3% resistant to thrust , 15% sensitive to heat, 10% resistant to cold, 5% resistant to matter.
CLOTH: no resistances or sensitivities.
Spellcrafting can make a single set of equipment that maximizes all nine resists. Because it is difficult and costly to simultaneously maximize all of your resists, the 'optimal' set of equipment for a given situation depends on what kinds of opponents you are most likely to face and what types of resistances are checked by these opponents' damage output. In PvE, prioritizing resists is usually very simple. Figure out what type of physical damage is being dealt by your monster by looking at the messages in your combat window and comparing them to your calculated effective resists (including your armor's intrinsic resists). For example, if your effective slash resist is 39%, your effective crush resist is 20%, and your effective thrust resist is 10%, 'Monster hit you for 61(-39) damage!' tells you it is doing slashing damage, while 120(-30) would be crushing, and 99(+9) would be thrusting (as examples). Once you know what type of physical damage a monster does, maximize that resist. A small fraction of monsters cast spells; you can usually deduce the resist type of the type by reading the messages ('searing heat' is heat resist, etc.). In the case where you are fighting casting monsters, maximize your physical resist and the appropriate magic resist.
RvR is a much more complicated situation. In general most of the damage I take is from melee attacks, but that is in part because I play a tank class (warrior), so your mileage may vary. Most of the melee attacks I face are piercing damage, followed by crushing and slashing damage. What about spells? The resist type checked by all offensive Hibernia and Albion spells is shown below.
Skald: DD Body, Mez Body, Snare Spirit
Shaman: DOT Body, Bolt Matter, DD Matter, DOT Matter, Snare Matter, Snare Matter
Healer: Mez Body, Mez Body, Slow Body, Snare Body, Stun Body, Stun Body
Runemaster: Snare Body. Bolt Energy, Bolt Energy, DD Energy, DD Energy, Snare Energy, AE DD Energy, DD Cold, DD Cold, Debuff/DD Cold
Spiritmaster: Snare Body, DD Spirit, Mez Spirit, Slow Spirit, DD Cold, Lifedrain Cold, Mez Cold
Thane: DD Energy
Theurgist: DD Cold, Snare Cold, DD/Snare Cold, DD Spirit, Mez Spirit, Slow Spirit
Wizard: DD Heat, DD Cold, Snare Cold, DD Cold, Snare Cold, DD Heat, Bolt Heat, Bolt Heat, Bolt Matter, DOT Matter, Snare Matter, Storm Matter
Cabalist: Lifedrain Body, Slow Body, Lifedrain Body, DOT Matter, DOT Matter, Snare Body, Snare Spirit
Minstrel: Mez Body, DD Body, Stun Body
Sorceror: DD Body, Snare Body, Snare Body, Lifedrain Body, DOT Matter, DOT Matter, Snare Matter, Mez Energy, AE Mez Energy
Cleric: DD Spirit, Stun Spirit, DD Spirit, Mez Body
Eldritch: DD/Snare Energy, Slow Energy, Snare Energy, DD Cold, DD Heat, Stun Heat, DD Cold, DD Cold, Bolt Cold, Bolt cold, DD Energy, Mez Cold
Enchanter: DD Heat, Stun Heat, DD Heat, Slow Heat, DD Energy
Mentalist: DOT Energy, DD Heat, Stun Heat, DD Heat, DOT Energy, Mez Energy
Bard: Mez Body, DOT Body, DD Body
Champ: Snare Spirit, Slow Body, DD Body
Nightshade: DD Cold
Druid: Snare Body, DOT Body, Snare Matter
Thus in order to prioritize offensive and defensive capabilities you need to study your enemies. The server population, class distribution and your most frequent targets will help you understand where to place your resists. My personal recommendations are
**Offensive vs Albion: Use Crushing weapons vs tanks and assassins, thrust vs foes in chainmail. Alchemy procs should be Energy or Matter based.
**Offensive vs Hibernia: Use Slashing weapons vs tanks, crushing vs foes in light armors. Alchemy procs should be Energy or Matter based.
**Offensive vs Midguard: Use Thrusting weapons vs tanks. Alchemy procs should be Energy or Heat based.
***Defensive vs Albion foes: Be sure to keep Body, Spirit, Cold as high as possible.
***Defensive vs Hibernian foes: Be sure to keep Body, Energy, Cold, Heat as high as possible.
***Defensive vs Midguard foes: Be sure to keep Energy, Body, Cold as high as possible.
Having good equipment and an understanding of resist priorities is not enough to derive an optimal set of equipment. As our characters approach, then achieve, level 50, and as we acquire items with large magical enhancements, we encounter a new limitation on our ability to enhance our character: caps. A knowledge of caps is crucial because it can prevent you from camping/buying/trading for equipment that on paper looks like it will give you great enhancements, but in practice provides you with much less enhancement than you expected.
Similarly, by carefully walking the edge of these caps you can most efficiently assemble the 'perfect' set of equipment for a given situation. Just about every player-relevant number is capped in DAOC, and below we describe the nature of these caps.
Currently each of your major statistics (str, con, dex, qui, pie, emp, cha, int) can be enhanced by up to 1.5x your level from items. Level 50 characters, therefore, can receive up to +75 in each stat from items. Bonuses that you receive from buffs are capped separately from those that you receive from items and stack with item-based bonuses. Spec line buffs (namely the str/con combination buff and the dex/qui combination buff) are capped at 1.5x your level. Base line buffs (such as con) are capped at 1x your level. Therefore if you level 50 you can received up to +75 +75 +50 = +200 increases in a given stat.
Items with +hits can give you a total of your level*4 extra hit points. This increase of up to 200 hp for a level 50 player is separate from the hp increase that results from increasing your con.
As discussed in the Technical Guide to Armor, your maximum possible AF is (1 + abs)*(your level)*10. You can achieve this via an AF buff or by wearing a complete set of level 50 epic armor. For Midgard this AF cap for chain wearers is 635. Level 51 armors (attainable once you reach rr5) that are craftable allow you to reach an effective af of 647. For comparison, platemail wearers can reach a maximum of 683
Like increases to your stats, increases to your resists from items versus buffs are also capped separately and stack. The cap on each of your item-based resists is 1 + (your level/2). The cap on your spell-based resists is also 1 + (your level/2). At level 50, your item-based and spell-based resists are therefore capped at 26%.
Your race-based resists and armor-based resists and realm ability adjustments are added AFTER your item resists and buff resists are capped. Therefore a level 50 leather-wearing norseman with avoidance of magic II, 26% cold resist from items and 16% cold resist from a buff has an effective cold resist of 6+26+16+10+5=63%, although only 6+26+16+5=53% will show up in the bonuses window.
Besides training, increases to your skills can come from two sources that stack: items and realm bonuses from earning realm ranks. These increases to skills are capped as follows. Items can increase a skill by a maximum of 1 + (your level/5) skill points. Each realm rank (not realm level) beyond rank 1 increases all of your skills by +1. Therefore you can earn up to 10 skill points by being rank 11. The total skill increase cap at level 50 is therefore 11 + 10 = +21 to a given skill.
Your weapon delay cannot fall below 1.5, regardless of how haste- and qui-buffed you are. Every 10 quickness you gain from 50 to 250 reduces your weapon speed by 1%. Increasing your quickness has a positive effect on your basse damage over time BUT it has a detrimental effect on styled damage and all damage adds. The net effect is slightly improved damage at the cost of having lower frontloaded damage and higher endurance costs to style more often.
This thread was made to explain why dual weilders are getting no weapon damage advantage to RR5, to explain why the new left hand axe will not improve damage output compared to available 16.2 dps weapons, and to make sure people who use left axe are not gimping themselves by choosing the wrong weapons. The comparison is done based on high end weapons, but the weapon combinations are valid comparisons for any level character using crafted weapons at their maximum capped effective dps. Be aware that this comparison skews the data towards styled frontloaded damage and may not accurately represent drawn out battles. When quickness and haste are applied to these weapons the figures change considerably. It should be noted that Left Axe skill causes some variance as well. When spellcrafting it should be noted that the wba is a lvl 51 weapon with up to 32 imbue points while the handaxe is level 46 and has 28 imbue points, those extra imbue points could easily be 2 ranks on Left axe which would bring the data in synch. There is a great gulf in costs however and currently there is no justification for the listed speed of the wba being so high.
Main hand weapons: damage.
DB axe damage: 4.2 x 16.2 dps = 68.04 dam
Bastard Sword damage: 4.1 x 16.2 dps = 66.42 dam
Cleaver damage: 4.0 x 16.5 dps = 66.00 dam
Dwarven Short Sword damage [DSS]: 3.0 x 16.5 dps = 49.50 dam
Weighted Bearded Axe damage [WBA]: 2.9 x 16.5 dps = 47.85 dam.
Corrected Swing rates for LA users:
DB axe + Hand Axe: (4.2 + 2.4 )/2 = 3.30 sec
DB axe + WBA: (4.2 +2.9)/2 = 3.55 sec
Bas Sword + Hand Axe: (4.1 + 2.4)/2 = 3.25 sec
Cleaver + Hand Axe: (4.0 + 2.4)/2 = 3.20 sec
DSS + Hand Axe: (3.0 + 2.4)/2 = 2.70 sec
DSS + WBA: (3.0 +2.9)/2 = 2.95 sec
Cleaver + WBA: (4.0 +2.9)/2 = 3.45 sec
Cleaver + Cleaver: (4.0 + 4.0)/2 = 4.0 sec
DSS + Cleaver: (3.0 + 4.0)/2 = 3.50 sec
Corrected dps – ranked best to worst:
1) Cleaver + Hand Axe: 66.00/3.20 = 20.62
2) DB axe + Hand Axe: 68.04/3.30 = 20.61
3) Bas Sword + Hand Axe: 66.42/3.25 = 20.43
4) Cleaver + WBA: 66.0/3.45 = 19.13
5) Dorf + Hand Axe: 49.50/2.70 = 18.33
6) DSS + WBA: 49.50/2.95 = 16.78
7) Cleaver + Cleaver, WBA + WBA: 66.00/4 = 16.5
8 ) DSS + Cleaver: 49.50/3.50 = 14.14
Basically LA users get more benefit from using a DB axe or a Bastard sword, and a hand axe, than using the 16.5 DPS weapons that Mythic designed.
This scenario gets even worse with a cleaver, and in all cases you have to be RR5 to get the 16.5 dps in the first place.
There is no longer any sensible debate on whether dropped weapons outperform player crafted weapons. Do whatever is necessary to acquire a 99% arcanium weapon, spellcrafted and procced to your tastes. Make sure to do the spellcrafting first, then add any alchemical procs you wish and finally get an NPC enchanter to put a weapon bonus on it. These weapons will outperform anything in the game.
Bonus - This takes into account any bonuses on the armor of the person you're hitting. I'll use the simplest possible example. Let's say your opponent is wearing a shirt with a 10% bonus. You have a sword with a 15% bonus. What you then have is a 5% addition to your 'to hit' (which is simply your chance to hit the opponent).
It increases your chances of landing a hit on him AND the amount of damage you do when you hit successfully.
The chance to hit a specific area of the body is proportional to its size. These values are only really important in alchemy when deciding where to place your reverse procs. (Note these figures are estimates, I have no hard data).
Torso-- 44%
Legs-- 22%
Head-- 16%
Arms-- 12%
Gloves-- 3%
Boots-- 3%
Parry is a viable PvE combat skill that is calculated as follows: Base chance to Parry = 5% + (0.5% X Parry spec) + 3% per level of Mastery of Parry. It is further modified by your dexterity, such that kobolds parry considerably more often than trolls. It only works in the forward arc, its is reduced by 50% if your opponent is using a 2 handed weapon, and is drastically reduced in RvR with the current group code penalties. More opponents in Shrouded Isles use styles and 2 handed weapons so the effectiveness in PvE is being diminished as well. Its use in RvR is poor.
Shield blocking is a viable PvE combat skill that is calculated as follows: Base chance to Block = 5% + (0.5% X Shield spec) + 3% per level of Mastery of Blocking. It is further modified by your dexterity, such that kobolds block considerably more often than trolls. It only works in the forward arc, its is reduced by 50% if your opponent is dual weilding 2 weapons, and is somewhat reduced in RvR with the current group code penalties.
Large shields do substantial crush damage but none of the shield styles have bonuses to hit. Shields in fort defense are a bit more useful vs archers since the base chance to block an arrow is: 30% + (0.5% X Shield spec) + 3% per level of Mastery of Blocking. Engage ability substitutes all offensive actions of your character to get another 30% chance to block your opponent; in RvR this is close to useless. It is rumored that shields can actually block enemy caster bolts.. it happens so rarely that I cannot give you any numbers on the block rate.
Usefulness of Shields in RvR is moderate.
Each level of Evade skill your class possesses represents a base 5% to avoid any blow in combat from the forward arc. The advanced evade available to many hybrid tanks is simply evade in a 360 degree arc. Evade is modified by Quickness but is undiminished by anything your opponent can do. Levels of Dodger adds 3% to the evade % and this skill is hard capped at 50%. Usefulness of Evade in RvR is excellent.
All weapons, armor and miscellaneous equipment have both a condition and a durablity value. Condition directly affect the performance of your gear and drops with extended use in combat. All items should be repaired at 90% condition, lower than this value and its associated magical benefits, ability to proc, proc damage, etc. begin to fail. At 80% condition your equipment no longer retains any of its auxiliary benefits. 70% is minimum condition for any item. When you repair these items, the durability of the weapon drops on average by half the % of the condition repair. Many items begin with more than 100% durability (supposedly netherium is 125%, arcanium is 150%). Thus for the first while when you repair these items you wont see a decrease in durability. When durability reaches zero, the weapon can no longer be repaired and after its condition drops to 90% I suggest salvage. Player crafter smiths require half the skill to make the item to repair it successfully. NPC smiths can repair anything, for a price.
Alchemy opens up a world of additional possibilities in potions that buff, regenerate and heal you. There is a USE key on your keyboard setup, I recommend getting familiar with its use. in general press the USE key then the icon of the potion in your hotbar. If its an instant, you can use the potion anytime. Alchemy creates weapon procs, poisons and reverse procs for armor. The choice of proc is up to the reader but consider who your opponents are: are they Firbolg Heroes in scalemail? If so choose energy but not heat! If they are Briton Infiltrators choose heat but not cold , spirit nor matter. If your opponent is a Dwarf Berserker then choose cold energy or matter but not heat nor body. A little known fact is that many reverse procs have range listings. The DOTs are range 300; the DDs are range 1500; the specials are self targetted. Thus if you use DDs, archers on top of fort walls stand a 10% chance per hit of getting blasted in return. Its not much but its more satisfying than being a pincushion for the whole duration. Dots will keep an opponent from stealthing and generally do more damage. Dots and poisons can be cured and purged however, so weigh your options according to your playstyle.
Spellcrafting is a long topic, of which I will only lightly touch upon here. Any crafted item can hold up to 4 skills/resists/stats. Be sure to use them all as it creates items with the highest utility to your character.
The first point in any item, be it resist or stat or skill, is always free. Thus to make a wise choice of spellcrafted items choose something like this for a MP arcanium battlespear (32/32 imbue points): 5 spear/7% thrust/7% slash/1 stealth. Overcharging your gear by a couple points is a fairly safe option IF you are working with a Legendary Spellcrafter AND you are using 99% or 100% quality gems. Spellcrafting is usually considerably cheaper than alchemy. Adding an alchemical proc does not reduce the number of imbue points
available to spellcrafting.
Among the many points I tried to convey in this analysis, the most important are:
1) Use the spell/resist list above together with your server's population data to prioritize your resists. For example, in Midgard on Bors:
vs. Albions: spirit, cold, body
vs. Hibernians: energy, cold, heat, body,
2) Calculate what all your caps are based on your level, race, and armor, and do not waste item slots boosting stats or resists that are already capped.
3) Enchanting player crafted weapons can profoundly enhance their damage per swing as well as their hit/miss ratio. Using level 51 weapons even if you are level 50 may be significantly less effective than using level 50 weapons.
4) All of the best weapons in the game are player crafted high quality level 51 shimmering arcanium weapons enchanted to 35% bonus. For dual weilders choose a the slowest right hand weapon available to you and the fastest left hand weapon. DoubleBladed axe & handaxe is considered slightly better than Cleaver & Weighted bearded axe.
5) Using 1-4, you can derive an optimal set of equipment for any given RvR or RvE situation.
6) fattyfat is uberest merc round, remember that
7) PVE vs Thrust mobs (arachites, svartalfs, icechillers, certain wretches, forest vipers): invest in a full suit of Heavy Svarkakedja studded armor af 102 player crafted by your favorite armourer. Such a set would run approximately 800 - 1000 gp and the 35% bonus enchantment would set you back another 250 gp. Going from Chainmail (27.0-9.3=17.7% absorbtion) to Studded (19.0+18.1=37.1% absorbtion) or even Leather (10+18.1= 28.1% absorption) is just too much to ignore!
7) Use high level Reverse procs on your armor to combat fast swinging opponents. High quality procs do more damage and fire more often.
Buy arcanium great hammers, swords, battlespears, great axes. They should outperform anything else in game if you are able to get 99% quality. The slowest weapons hit the hardest (called frontloading damage) and benefit most from haste/quickness buffs.
9) Buy a reinforced duskwood shield ONLY if you use the 42 shield stun in RvR. A High quality shield does the most bash damage and they block more in RvR. Although a larger shield does more damage it also takes considerably more endurance to use: Large shield stun=30% endurance, medium shield stun= 20%, small shield stun=10% endurance. They are cheap to enchant.. 12-15 gp.
10) Hunters use your footed flight broadhead arrows against everyone except lightly armoured albions (eg albion smite clerics) in which case use footed flight bodkin arrows to get 15-20% MORE DAMAGE output from your critical shots.
11) Strafing in Combat causes a miss rate of about 30%, faster weapons lower the strafing miss rate so it becomes a viable tactic in rvr IF you are dual weilding against a 2hand weapon user. Experiment at your leisure.
Stat, spec and resistance information
Stat caps per level (Str, Dex, etc..):
A) 1.5x your level from items (weapons, armor, jewelry, etc..)
B) 1x your level from single-stat buffs (aka baseline buffs, like +Str or +Dex from a Healer or Shaman)
C) 1.5x your level from double-stat buffs (aka spec line buffs, like +Str/Con or +Dex/Qui from a Shaman)
D) Unknown as of yet if there is any caps from Realm Skill stats.
- A, B, C and D all stack together.
Resistance caps:
- items give a maximum of +26% on any resists at lvl 50 (1 + (your level/2))
- race gives:
Kobolds: 5% crush, 5% energy
Norsemen: 3% slash, 2% crush, 5% cold
Trolls: 3% slash, 2% thrust, 5% matter
Dorfs: 2% slash, 3% thrust, 5% body
- buffs cap at a maximum of either the spell 8% per spell level or a maximum of +26% on any resists at lvl 50 (1 + (your level/2))
- realm abilities has no known cap.
+Spec caps:
A) +11 from items at lvl 50 (1+lvl/5) (weapons, armor, jewelry, etc..)
B) +10 from Realm Rank
- For a maximum of +21 to a spec (like weapon or shield)
Benefits of Stats:
50-250= 1% gain, per 10 points
250-MAX(350+)= 1% gain, per 20 points
Things that affect your chance to-hit something:
- Enchanted bonus on your weapon (and bonus also increases damage contrary to what is said from Sanya)
- Your level vs. their level (the higher their are than you, the harder they'll be to hit)
- The number of people fighting the same opponent - this isn't group dependant.
- Weapons Styles with bonus to-hit
- Str, Dex, Qui..NONE of the base stats have any effect on your chance to-hit (I disagree with the Dex portion of this statement from my own experience)
Things that affect your chance to NOT get hit by something:
- Enchanted bonus on your armor
- Weapon styles with bonus to defense
- Dex affects your chances to Block & Parry
- Dex & Qui affects your chances to Evade
- Your level vs. their level (the lower the level they are to you, the harder it is for them to hit you)
- Armor Factor on your Armor affects the chance to negate a blow (seen as a miss)
- Absorb % on your armor affects how much dmg taken when you do get hit
- AF also decreases the damage taken
The Effectiveness of Shields and Shield spec:
A) Shield spec has a base 5% chance to block +0.5% per spec point
B) Enchanted bonus on Shields also affects chance to block (Unsure in what way, maybe A+B, or A+(AxB))
Small shields: (supposedly) can block only 1 target, and has the base chance to block
Medium shields: (supposedly) can block up to 2 targets, and has an extra 5% chance to block vs. Small
Large shields: (supposedly) can block up to 3 targets, and has an extra 5% chance to block vs. medium and 10% vs. small
Shield Sizes:
Round = Small
Kite/Heater = Medium
Tower = Large
Effectiveness of Weapon spec:
1 to 2/3rds of level = 25-100% dmg
2/3rds to 100% of level = 75-125% dmg
100%+ = 100-150% dmg
That scale is linear.
Your damage continues to grow if your weapons spec is above your level, but slower.
I believe each weapon spec point above your level adds about 0.66% to your damage.
How stats affect weapons:
Axes = 100% Str
Swords = 100% Str
Hammers = 100% Str
Spears = 50/50 Str/Dex
Staffs = 100% Dex
Damage Calculation:
Damage = WeapDmg (which is a possibly capped weapon DPS) * Delay * Quality * Condition * (WeapSkill / Target's AF)
Also, there is an interesting formula for the effective AF of a piece of armor:
Effective AF = Listed AF * Quality * (1 + (absorb * quality))
Notice the quality double-dipping which makes it extra important for armor.
Weapons/Magic vs. Armor (From Classes of Camelot website):
_______________Crush__Slash__Thrust___Fire__Cold__ __Earth__Electric
Post 1.52 Armor resist table:
Pantheon=PlateChain*=N ChainScale*=Rein*N Stud=Stud*=Leath*=N LeatH Leat*
Thrust-11.1%+9.3%+9.3%-9.1%-9.3%=-18.3%=+7%-18.3%=-18.3%-9 .3%
Slash+0%-9.1%-30%+9.3%-18.3%=+7%-9.3%=-9.3%+7%-18.3 %
*Columns with an asterix are projected values, not tested.
Quickness explained
posting some stuff that is posted at my old guild webpage on bors, some of this has some really usefull info that may help alot of people understand some stuff in doac that may help them lvl better, make better toons etc. its a long read, but well worth the time
enjoy your read =)
Fattyfat Fatterson
Effects of Quick
This is a write up I did on QUI a little while ago but I think all of it pretty much still applies.
I wanted to do a write up on what the QUI stat on your Character sheet means and why its important to you. I have done quite a bit of testing on this, most of it in Hibernia and not with all classes and styles so please correct me if I have made some wrong assumptions in places. Overall though this should be accurate info. Numbers in examples are used mostly for illustration purposes but some do come from testing.
What does QUI do?
QUI or Quick is the Speed of your Character, just like in the real world where some people can run faster or move their arms or body quicker than others. In general the higher the QUI on your character the faster your character can swing a weapon or aim a bow.
Why does this matter if weapons are DPS based?
The answer is weapons aren't really DPS based. DPS is the comparative factor, rather than having us do the math on each weapon, they mark down the DPS on that weapon and display that to you. You can think of the DPS on the weapon as a base value if your QUI was 60 at the listed SPD of the weapon.
So no matter what your QUI is you will do the same damage on average per hit with a weapon (not including styles or damage adds or other stats). If this was not the case there would be very little incentive to increase your QUI.
So the higher the QUI the better right?
Not exactly, increasing your QUI increase the base damage you do over time because you are hitting more often for the same amount. However when styles, damage shields, and damage add buffs are factored into the equation it gets very tricky. For most classes and in most situations the higher the QUI the more damage your character will do in the same amount of time.
What situations is having high QUI bad?
Having high QUI is bad in situations where you want to do a lot of damage in the first hit.
Often Fighter classes also like to do a lot of damage on the first hit. It adds a lot of damage in RVR where often you are lucky to get one or two hits on someone. Remember for weapons there is no delay for the first hit.
example: Changing from my Hero's base QUI of around 40 without items and unbuffed he can do up to 512 damage in a single hit, often in RVR damage output reaches close to this number especially on lower con enemies. Being fully buffed with QUI around 107 and with a Druid Haste buff of about 26% his max damage drops down to 438, a difference of about 70 damage, and while his 2nd hit comes much quicker, his first hit does considerably less damage.
But my Damage Add Buff will do more with Higher QUI right?
No. Damage Add Buffs and Damage Shields scale perfectly with the swing time of your weapon, so the faster you get the smaller the damage add buff gets. Overtime though the damage add buff will do the same amount of damage with low QUI as it does with high QUI. However the Higher your QUI the less percentage difference a Damage Add Buff would provide. Damage Shields work the same, otherwise a damage shield would tear up someone that swings fast weapons compared to someone who swings slow weapons.
So why does QUI effect styles so much?
Styles, damage add buffs, and damage shields all act the same. At a given spec level a style has a DPS set to it. This is a real DPS, no matter how fast your weapon or how high you buff your QUI you will do the same amount of damage over time with styles. Base damage however isn't affected at all by quick because as we said above the base damage is the same when your QUI increases you just swing faster.
The main formula that seems to be consistent pre-buff patch and post buff-patch (1.52) is:
Actual_Weapon_Delay = (1-(QUI-50)/10) * SPD * (1 - Haste%)
Where QUI is the number off the Character Sheet, SPD is the listed Delay on the weapon, and Haste% is the already solved percentage of the Haste buff.
Please post questions, comments, or errors.
NOTE: CRITICAL Strikes do work different for Assassins than styles work for other classes. This means increasing QUI doesn't lower their damage.
QUI and Haste don't change the Damage output of hidden styles for assassins. Styles like PA. However non-hidden styles seemed to be governed by same rules as all other styles. PA damage is purely BaseWeaponDamage+BasePADamage+CSSkill*9.
Realm ranks and levels
Realm Rank, Level, RPs needed
R1L0 = 0
R1L1 = 0 (when you ding 20)
R1L2 = 25
R1L3 = 125
R1L4 = 350
R1L5 = 750
R1L6 = 1375
R1L7 = 2275
R1L8 = 3500
R1L9 = 5100
R2L0 = 7125
R2L1 = 9625
R2L2 = 12650
R2L3 = 16250
R2L4 = 20475
R2L5 = 25375
R2L6 = 31000
R2L7 = 37400
R2L8 = 44625
R2L9 = 52725
R3L0 = 61750
R3L1 = 71750
R3L2 = 82775
R3L3 = 94875
R3L4 = 108100
R3L5 = 122500
R3L6 = 138125
R3L7 = 155025
R3L8 = 173250
R3L9 = 192850
R4L0 = 213875
R4L1 = 236375
R4L2 = 260400
R4L3 = 286000
R4L4 = 313225
R4L5 = 342125
R4L6 = 372750
R4L7 = 405150
R4L8 = 439375
R4L9 = 475475
R5L0 = 513500
R5L1 = 553500
R5L2 = 595525
R5L3 = 639625
R5L4 = 685850
R5L5 = 734250
R5L6 = 784875
R5L7 = 837775
R5L8 = 893000
R5L9 = 950600
R6L0 = 1010625
R6L1 = 1073125
R6L2 = 1138150
R6L3 = 1205750
R6L4 = 1275975
R6L5 = 1348875
R6L6 = 1424500
R6L7 = 1502900
R6L8 = 1584125

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R6L9 = 1668225
R7L0 = 1755250
R7L1 = 1845250
R7L2 = 1938275
R7L3 = 2034375
R7L4 = 2133600
R7L5 = 2236000
R7L6 = 2341625
R7L7 = 2450525
R7L8 = 2562750
R7L9 = 2678350
R8L0 = 2797375
R8L1 = 2919875
R8L2 = 3045900
R8L3 = 3175500
R8L4 = 3308725
R8L5 = 3445625
R8L6 = 3586250
R8L7 = 3730650
R8L8 = 3878875
R8L9 = 4030975
R9L0 = 4187000
R9L1 = 4347000
R9L2 = 4511025
R9L3 = 4679125
R9L4 = 4851350
R9L5 = 5027750
R9L6 = 5208375
R9L7 = 5393275
R9L8 = 5582500
R9L9 = 5776100
R10L0 = 5974125
R10L1 = 6176625
R10L2 = 6383650
R10L3 = 6595250
R10L4 = 6811475
R10L5 = 7032375
R10L6 = 7258000
R10L7 = 7488400
R10L8 = 7723624
R10L9 = 7963725
R11 = 8208750 (100 points possible)
Ground targeting
Ground Targeting 101 - xpost from herald
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To have the ability to use the new Runemaster and Eldritch Ground Target Area of Effect (GTAoE) Spells one must first be able to select a ground target since the spells will not work if they are just targeted on a Mob. So how do you select a piece of ground to target? There are two variations of Ground Targeting (GT) one is for players that use mouse look and the other is for those players that move around with their arrow keys. Since these are so different each will be covered separately. First we will cover mouse look then keyboard.
The first thing to do in Ground Targeting is to find out what key is mapped to the Ground Target function. The defaults for this are F5 in FPS style and SHFT-T in RPG style. If neither of these seem to work then use the /keyboard command to find out what key Ground Target has been remapped to. If you are using the RPG default keyboard I suggest that you remap the Ground Target function to something other than SHFT-T or any other SHFT+key since using the SHFT key with some of the keys that move the Ground Target Indicator around can lead to confusion and unexpected difficulties. Once you have found out which key brings up the Ground Target hold it down for a few seconds and you will see a set of arrows with an inverted pyramid in the middle appear at your feet. This is the indicator that you will move to where you want the spell to fire.
If you are using mouse look then all you need to do to move the indicator is click and hold your right mouse button while holding down the assigned ground target key, i.e. F5, to move the indicator away from you. The left mouse button brings it back towards you. Moving the mouse from side to side will move the indicator around you in a circle. If you lose sight of the indicator over a rise or in the grass you can rotate your mouse wheel forward to raise the center pyramid. This allows you to see where the indicator is even if you cannot see it because of intervening terrain or bodies. To bring the center pyramid again to ground level simply rotate the mouse wheel back towards you. Once you have the indicator where you want the spell to fire simply release the Ground Target key and cast the spell. If you lose the indicator or leave it somewhere then all you need to do is hold down the Ground Target key again for a few seconds and the indicator will again appear at your feet.
If you use the keyboard to predominately move around the world of Camelot then Ground Targeting for you is only a little different than the mouse look description above. You still need to hold down the key assigned to Ground Target and you will have the arrows at your feet in a few seconds. The difference is in how you move the indicator around. To move the indicator away from you press the forward arrow while holding the Ground Target key. The back arrow key moves the indicator back towards you. The left and right arrows move the indicator around you in a circle. To raise or lower the center pyramid use the Page Up and Page Down keys. Again once you have the Ground Target Indicator where you want the spell to fire release the Ground Target key and cast the spell. Again if you lose the indicator simply hold the Ground Target key for a few seconds again and the Indicator will appear at your feet.
This sounds a whole lot more complicated than it actually is in practice and that is exactly what it takes to get proficient at Ground Targeting, practice, practice, practice. The most important thing to remember is to keep the Ground target key pressed while you move the Indicator around. Once you have it where you want it you will not need to move it very often. If you do need to move it just press the Ground Target key and the Indicator will appear where you have targeted. Hold the Ground target key a couple more seconds without moving the Indicator and it will move to a location relevant to you and the indicator's initial placement. A few seconds more and it will reappear at your feet.
This is the same method used to Ground Target with catapults and trebuchets.
Upgrading keep doors
Upgrading Keep Doors - Posted by Lyf
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To upgrade a keep door, you need skill in woodworking. The better your skill, the higher the chance you have of upgrading a door. Even with the appropriate skill, you may fail on your attempt to upgrade the door, so it may take several tries.
In general, every 50 points of woodworking skill allows you to repair or upgrade one level of door. I.e. 200 woodworking skill allows you to repair up to level 4 doors and upgrade doors from any level lower than 4 to a maximum of level 4.
The amount of wood needed to upgrade a door is based on units, not boards. We'll call these wunits. Each stack of wood has a different number of wunits depending on the grade of the wood:
Wood to Wunit Conversions
Type Amount Wunits Weight Cost
Rowan 20 20 5 75cp
Elm 20 80 5 12sp
Oaken 20 160 5 48sp
Ironwood 20 320 5 1.44gp
Heartwood 20 640 5 4.32gp
Runewood 20 960 5 8.64gp
Stonewood 20 1200 5 12.96gp
Ebonwood 20 1600 5 19.44gp
To Upgrade A Door:
To Level |Wunits Needed ||Approx. Minimum Skill
2 440 100
3 1760 150
4 5280 200
5 14080 250

Daoc Most Dmg Spell Phoenix In English

6 26400 300
7 39600 350
8 61600 400
It is not suggested you upgrade a keep door past level 5. The improvement-per-cost ratio becomes so bad that it is only a waste of money. Plus, if you upgrade a door to 5+, you need a lot more wood to repair it. This means that when an enemy is sieging the door, you may not even be able to heal it.
Lets say you want to upgrade a door from Level 1 to Level 2. You need 440 wunits:
You could buy 22 stacks of Rowan wood for 16.5sp, but it would weigh 110.
You could buy 1 stack of Heartwood for 4.32gp, which would give you some leftover, but would only weigh 5.
As you can see, the better wood is not very cost-per-wunit efficient. You're paying for the reduced weight.
To upgrade a door from Level 1 to Level 6 you'd need 47,960 wunits:
Alone, you'd have to buy 30 stacks of Ebonwood for 583.2 gold. Total = 583.2gp, 150wt.
With 5 people, you could buy 150 stacks of Ironwood for 216gp. Total = 216gp and 150wt/person
With 8 people, you could buy 150 stacks of Oak for 72gp, plus 75 stacks of Ironwood for 108gp. Total = 180gp and 140wt/person.
From this, you can see that by getting help carrying wood, you save a lot of money. You also notice that you can mix and match different types of wood, to come up with the number of wunits you need. I seriously doubt someone wants to try and buy 150 stacks of wood however, as you'd develop some wrist injuries from clicking 'buy'.
Relic Keep Door (level 8 requires 27200 units of wood for repair..850 heartwood boards, 1700 ironwood boards, and each repair heals 15% of the total).
Where to Buy Wood

Daoc Most Dmg Spell Phoenix In Spanish

Bledmeer Faste - Our merchant keep
Svasud Faste - but only Ebonwood is available here.
Jordheim, in the hut just to the right of the entrance from Mularn
Relic Keeps - but only the most expensive wood is avialable here, so try not to use it unless your relic keep is under attack.
If the door being attacked is outside and it's being attacked, stand outside, flat against the wall to either side of the door to perform your repair. However, if you are a stealth class, keep in mind that this WILL bring you out of stealth. If you're repairing the one inside, again, don't stand at the door. Stand off to the side, just around the corner of the door. This way, archers can't target you from outside very easily and you might avoid AE better. If the attackers are using ballistas, you might be screwed. They have a nasty AE when they hit the doors that tends to injure people trying to repair the doors. Keep in mind that if you are stealthed, '/repair' will bring you out of stealth! This makes repairing doors on the outside of a keep while they're being attacked, VERY dangerous. This is also why you generally only upgrade the outer doors to keeps. Inner doors left at level 1 can be repaired quite quickly with little risk and at a very cheap cost. :Edit- People have added you may be able to repair from farther away using the /target object macro.
How much Wood Can One Carry
I did a couple of quick tests. Roughly, if you have 50 wt on you, with a high level stength and str/con buff, you can carry 150 more weight and still move at a slow run:
265/176 = dead stop
245/176 = slow walk
210/176 = slowish run speed
201/176 = managable but slower run
195/176 = almost unnoticably slower
Also, remember that if you die, when you release or get rezzed you will move very slowly until you are rebuffed.
Walk up to a keep door, target it, and type /upgrade to view what level it is.
Then look at the table above to determine how much wood you need to buy.
Once you have the appropriate amount of wood, target the door and stand against it.
Type /upgrade (next level). It will tell you if you need more wood, and how much, or it will begin the upgrade.
After 5 seconds you will either pass or fail on the upgrade. You will not loose wood on a failure.
After it's successfully upgraded, it will have more HP and AF. But, you must heal those HP back, even if its health doesnt seem lower (if the health on the door doesn't appear to change, double click the door to refresh the health on your minibar).
Since it will loose up to 10% of its health, type /repair to heal the door. You may need to buy more wood.
You don't have to upgrade a door 1 level at a time. To get to level 3, just do /upgrade 3 and have 1760 wood. However, it's easier (and probably faster, depending on what skill you have) to upgrade a door gradually 1 level at a time because you must /repair a door after you upgrade it. If you upgrade a door 5 levels in 1 command, the door health will drop about 40% in 1 shot. But as you become more experienced you may develop a personal preference.
Keep doors are downgraded to level 1 if they are broken open (Relic keep doors are downgraded to level . They become fully repaired if the server is patched or crashes.