League Ap Caster Auto Dmg

League Ap Caster Auto DmgLeague Ap Caster Auto Dmg

AP casters use their SPELLS, their spells got an average RATIO of 0.5 AP with and like 5sec CD. So OF COURSE you need MUCH MORE AP to be effective than AD carries with auto-attacks with crazy attack speed. 3 attacks in 2 seconds, with 600-1200 criticals depending on mid or late game.


League Ap Caster Auto Dmg 1

You cannot lane against Ori as Brand/Kass/Annie etc unless you started with boots + grabbed MS quints.
AD casters (that is champs relying on spells to do physical damage) destroy Ori.
Grab Panth/Ez/XZ/Jarvan/Lee Sin etc Throw some on MR Blues and harass Ori all day out of the lane. I.E. DO NOT PLAY PASSIVE AGAINST HER.
This method doesn't work against Annie at all or against Brand because they have what are essentially on-demand stuns. Ori does not have this luxury and starts out with 11 armor only leveling out at level 11 with 59.
Also; Nidalee, Morde and a well played Kennen.
Stop playing FotM champs against someone who counters the FotM champs.
Like Blitz, Ori is ****ing disgustingly strong when the Ori player is really good and their team is also really good. But the average player can't play Ori (or Blitz for that matter) at all.
And let's be honest Blitz wins games easier than Ori does.
I've been playing Ori quite a bit this week and have been noticing people who do not know how to play Ori can't figure out how to beat her. So here you go. Enjoy.

League Ap Caster Auto Dmg For Sale

Me and my friend got into a discussion last night over ad casters and carries. He told me there is no difference because they 'could' share the same build and potently do the same thing. His basic argument was that all a ad caster is is a carry with better abilites to add to their auto attack damage. I feel that most ad casters, when built ad caster, ( garen, pantheon, talon, urgot, . . . . ) use their abilities to do most of their damage and the auto attack is just a back up. His he right?
it basically started when talking about item builds for talon, i have decided from playing him that bloodthursters are the way to go, with soul shroud to help with mana and cooldown. I build 3 bt, soul shroud, cd boots, and last whisper and call it a day.
he feels i should build more for my auto attack and get cleaver, inf edge, bt, frozen mallet, att spd boots, and phantom dancer. And if i do build for my auto attack, I wont be spamming my abilities as much thus i shouldn't have mana problems.
so what do you think community, is there a such thing as a ad caster? or is it just a carry with damage dealing abilities?