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From D&D Wiki The 3.5 DMG is also really, really good. It's chapters on worldbuilding are hands down my favorite on that subject between 3.5, PF, and 5e. They're full of such good advice and are so empowering that I still pull out that book when I want to think about campaign crafting.

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  • 1Ebon Knight
    • 1.1Making an Ebon Knight
    • 1.2Campaign Information

Ebon Knight[edit]

'DISCLAIMER' I am using this as a mimic from World of Warcraft. Skills will have the same name and similar effects.

Knights of the Ebon Enclave created to fight with brute style attacks and supernatural abilities. They are unable to use shields or select proficiency with them. At level one you select one path and are specialized in that pathway. You may not choose to change from that path, and prestige classes are not yet available to transfer over, but there are epic levels available to the class.

Making an Ebon Knight[edit]

The Ebon Knight is very supportive with abilities ranging from high damage out put and pulling targets to create a stun saving allies.

Abilities: Strength, Constitution, and Charisma are important for this character class.

Races: Any race can be a Ebon Knight, common races are human, and dwarf.

Alignment: Neutral alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE.

Starting Gold: Same as Fighter

Starting Age: Same as Fighter

Table: The Ebon Knight

Hit Die: d12

Attack Bonus
Saving ThrowsSpecial
1st1200Path Select, Death Grip, Runeforging, Power Sacrifice
2nd2300Bladed Armor
4th4411Summon Deathcharger
5th5411Blood Boil
7th7/2522Icy Path
10th10/5733Path Skill, Death and Decay
13th13/8/3844Path Skill
15th15/10/5955Mind Freeze
17th17/12/7/21055Raven's Blessing, Improved Presence
18th18/13/8/31166Extra Feat
19th19/14/9/41166Extra Feat
20th20/15/10/51266Raise Ally, Extra Feat

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb, Craft(any), Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge(History), Ride, Search, Spot, Swim.

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Ebon Knight.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Armor Proficiency with light, medium and heavy armors, simple and martial weapon proficiency.

Plagues: Blood Plague, Frost Fever, and Necrotic Plague

Path Selection: Blood, Frost, Unholy

Death Grip: Attempt a ranged grapple at a maximum of 30 feet. If successful you pull the target within your threat range and gain an AoO. When the target is in front of you, they must make a Fort DC 10+Ebon Knight level or be stunned for 1 round.

Runeforging(Ex): The Ebon Knight is attuned with energies making him able to enhance the weapon he/she is wielding. This action does take 30 minutes to complete and whenever a new weapon is attained, the process must be repeated.

Power Sacrifice(Su): The Ebon Knight can sacrifice 3 hp(x Lv.) to gain a +2 on his next attack action.

Bladed Armor(Ex): At level 2, an Ebon Knights gains the ability to move around in his armor like a second skin. He/She gains +2 attack and +1 damage to all sources.

Frost - Two-Weapon Defense - at level 3 Frost Ebon Knights gain a +1 Shield AC.

Unholy - Improved Ghoul Stats: Level 3, your summons gain a permanent +4 to their strength score.

Unholy - Minion Special Attacks: Level 3, Rake: 2d8 on successful hits with both hands; Insidious Bite: Deal 2d8 damage when grappling. Both abilities can cause Necrotic Plague.

Summon Deathcharger(Su): At level 4, you summon an undead warhorse that travels at 60 movement. This takes a full round to summon and does not need to eat or sleep. Dismissing does not cause any negative repercussions.

Blood Boil(Ex): At level 5, the Ebon Knight gains the ability to create an explosion within a targets blood stream. Any enemy within 20 feet afflicted with either Blood Plague or Frost Fever receive 4d6 shadow dmg (+1d6 at 10, 15 and 20) per affliction. Can be used 3/encounter.

Frost - Improved Two Weapon Fighting - At level 6 Frost Ebon Knights gain an increase to their dual wielding abilities.

Unholy - Summon Feral Ghoul: Level 5, add the feral template to your summon.

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Icy Path(Su): At level 7, Ebon Knights no longer worry about drowning. At the expense of one Frost rune, the Ebon Knight and allies within 30 feet can walk across any body of water for 10 minutes.

Unholy - Greater Ghoul Stats: Level 7, your summon gains an additional +2 strength and Dexterity.

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Unholy - Improved Minion Special Attacks: Level 7, Shred: 4d8 on 2 successful melee hits; Infectious Bite: 4d8 damage when grappling. Both replace previous abilities and apply Necrotic Plague.

Death and Decay(Ex): At level 10, Target area 30 ft diameter, desecrates for 1d4 rounds dealing shadow damage to all beings standing within the area. Targets take 4d6 shadow damage (+1d6 at 15 and 20) and an additional 3d6 (+1d6 at 15 and 20) to any with afflictions on them. Can be used 1/encounter.

Path Skills: Burn a cd windows 7. Lv. 10

Frost - Greater Two-Weapon Fighting - At level 12, Frost Ebon Knights passively gain an additional attack to their off-hand weapons.

Path Skill Lv. 13

Mind Freeze(Su): At level 15, the Ebon Knight can attempt to stun a target from 15 feet away. Will save of 10+1/2 EK Lv.+Wis, if failed stunned for 1d4 rounds. 3/encounter.

Unholy - Summon Mummy: Level 15, your summon now takes the shape of a Mummy reflecting all of the gains from previous forms.

Frost - Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting - At level 15, Frost Ebon Knights gain as many attacks as it has with its primary weapon.

Raven's Blessing(Sp): At level 17, grants +2 Str bonus and +10 hp.

Improved Presences(Sp): Lv. 17

Raise Ally(Su): 1/week Attempts to bring back an ally. DC 25 Fort to be resurrected. Resurrected people are limited to 50% hp and -2 to all scores, skills, saves, attacks, and damage until fully healed with 8 hours of sleep.

Unholy - Summon Mohrg: Level 20, your summon not takes the shape of a Mohrg Reflecting all of the gains from previous forms.

Ex-Ebon Knights[edit]

If an Ebon Knight willingly touches a shield, whether it be to try to pull it down or pick it up to had it to someone, they loose all teachings they have received. They revert to a level one commoner with 10 in each stat score. Their strict training and in-depth study has taught them to never rely on a shield and they cannot return to the Enclave.

Epic Ebon Knight[edit]

Hit Die: d12

21stImproved Bladed Armor, Outbreak
22ndImproved Death and Decay
23rdGreater Presence
28thImproved Raven's Blessing
29thSuperior Presence
30thHighlord's Call

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Improved Bladed Armor: The Ebon Knight has mastered his ability to control aspects of death. His mobility in armor gains him the ability to move without penalty and an additional +2 attack/damage to all weapon attacks.

Outbreak(Su): The Ebon Knight can apply both blood plague and frost fever to the target. No save for this ability, can only be used 2/day.

Improved Death and Decay(Su): Your death and decay damage now uses D8s.

Greater Presence: At level 23, you gain a boost to your passive abilities granted by your presence.

Improved Raven's Blessing: At level 28, Raven's blessing improves to give you an additional +4 Str and +20 HP.

Superior Presence: At level 29, You master the presence and gain new found strength.

Highlord's Call: You gain the strength of the Highlord, granting you the ability 1/day of invulnerability for 2 rounds. While this is active, you deal x2 the damage you would normally and heal for 1/2 from heal checks and healing spells.

Unholy - Summon Shadow of the Void: Level 30, you have mastered the ability to bend the will of the Undead. Your summon takes the its final form as the Shadow of the Void. This gains the abilities that
your previous summons have received.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Ebon Knight[edit]

Dmg 3.5 Useful For 5e Students

Religion: They have no real deity of preference. They can serve the deity they served before the transformation.

Other Classes: Other classes regard them as a high power.

Combat: They can serve as a tank or damage role, Unholy can serve as a minor emergency healer.

Advancement: Pending a prestige possible prestige class.

Ebon Knights in the World[edit]

This character is found wandering after training to find the biggest use of his/her talents. He does not fear death since he has become one with the possibility of it.

Daily Life: They can be found in taverns, road ways, or in mercenary bands.

Organizations: They belong to the Ebon Enclave, they only serve to one true ruler but are neutral in all combat scenarios unless provoked.

NPC Reactions: NPCs are off put by this class feeling very unease around them.

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Ebon Knight Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge(History) can research Ebon Knight to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

5A great warrior of unknown strength and power.
10Uses energies from Blood, Frost or Unholy to assist in combat.
15Uses only weapons never shields when fighting.
20If this character touches a shield, they can lose everything they know about themselves.

Ebon Knights in the Game[edit]

Whether as an NPC or PC an Ebon Knight will try to look for people that are almost as strong or just as strong as him to ensure survivability.

Adaptation: Their abilities are geared towards debilitation.


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This content deviates from 3.5e standards; Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care.
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 3.5e rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
Powder firearms have been used in our history since its invention by a Chinese alchemist in the 11the century for both entertainment and in war. I am writing the page as I feel other pages on here glorify and simple ignore the downside to the fire arms(terrible spread unpredictable nature) and how they changed medieval/renaissance conflicts. Understand that when I see these items I see them at glass hammer weapons that putt out massive damage (if used correctly) but take a long time to reload and have greater risks involved than crossbows or bows (or spells) please if edditing add on extra but do not remove and if you dont like a rule ignore it I base most of this off of DMG 3.5 I have however modified the critical to a 19/20 X3 to emphasise the power of such a weapon in comparison to the bow and cross bow it historicaly replaced. Enjoy (p145 DMG 3.5 original)
wheel lock matchlock or flintlock rifle
Critical:19/20 X3
Range Increment:60ft
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

powder firearms take a full round action (leaving 5ft worth of motion) per a barrel loaded that allows for an attack of opportunity. They are all exotic weapons and if untrained require a DC5 skill check(use balckpowder or explosive etc) to reload and to fire if failed the gun does not function and must be reloaded to fire again as well as dealing half the damage of the shot to the user (taking a further round)rapid reload feat allows two barrels to be reloaded as a full round action or 1 barrel as a standard action (cannot fire in the same round)when firing (with training) a critical failure (nat 1) results in 1d12 damage to the user (and if DM is cruel the firing mechanism or the barrel is damaged) you could use a the skill to negate all or some damage, At DM consent.To a medium creature a small gun is a pistol (and so one handed) and a large is a very light cannon not suitable for use. The same is said for large or small creature one weapon size smaller is a pistol. Huge guns are equivalent to a small cannon found on a ship during the renaissance but may be carried by giants who have decided they like them and have picked them up.Any feats taken for bows or crossbows may be taken for rifles as well as enchantments may be placed on the this is a fantasy world and you can put things of alchemical nature in the powder or fire things other than lead balls hear are some other versions of ammunition I have thought up and costs ( all above are standard ammunition (you may wish to increase cost for large/huge firearm)

all for medium weapontypedamageCost (per 1 shot)special

Dmg 3.5 Useful For 5e Generator

standard1d12 piercing3sp

flechete1d6 piercing (cone20ft)5spDC 15 ref half

Grappling hook1d4 bludgeoning2gpFires at half range increament

silveredNA+1gp per shot


Dragon breath6D10 effect DC 19 ref for half damage200gp


sparks1d4 peircing + 1d4 electric + (2d6 non fatal damage)20gp

Powder onlynon8sp ( from 20lb (320 ounce)Does not work under water

Gunpowder: while gunpowder burns (1 ounce consumes itself in 1 round and iluminates like a sunrod) or even explodes inn the right conditions. It is chefly used to propel a bullet out of a pistol or rifle or used to make bombs. An ounce of gunpowder is needed to propel a bullet. Gunpowder is sold in kegs of 20 pounds (250gp) or in a horn (2 pounds for 35 gold). If gunpowder gets wet it must be allowed to dry to be used to fire a bullet.Bullets are large round lead balls that are sold in bags of 10 for 3gp

dragon breath rounds are designed from a young red dragons breath weapon and includes the cost of powder. Each shot can have the effect of other dragons breath weapons and to craft required the draconis fundamentum of said type of dragon. (Dm decides craft DC im to lazy to make this number up)“No matter what form its breath weapon takes, a dragongenerates it from deep inside its lungs, using energy generatedfrom an organ near its heart called the draconisfundamentum” Dragonomicon P21

Sugstions for DMs:

I suggest introducing the weapon with just 1 or two individuals alone fiering at the party so that they can see the effect of the gun and not be outnumbered as the reload is so long they are likely to get one shot off each befoe being engaged in melee and dying. Install mac os x lion on pc from dmg file windows 7. After this use them as backup to larger forces or in ranked fire (as in historic war) or from hard to reach snipers nests I also suggest allowing scopes to be available to buy or craft such as given in the arms and equipment guide. These weapons could be combined with others (dwarven axe rifle anyone) understanding the increased cost in making more durable mechanisms involved ( riffle cost + 3x weapon cost)adding bayonets should only be as expensive as attaching a standard dagger making a short spear in effect (encourage throwing your 502gp spear) also I tend to use double barrel or pepper box designes so that multiple shots can be taken before character is defenceless or to give characters multiple pistols (AC black flag style) that get reloaded after an encounter.

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