Convert Physical Damage To Cold Dmg


So, I'm looking at making a Glacial Hammer build with melee splash. My question is, seeing that glacial hammer converts 50% of physical damage to cold damage, is there a way to convert the other 50% to cold damage as well?
I didn't see a good way to do so looking through the uniques, but it's late and I easily could have missed something. Anyone got any ideas here?
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 8:03:56 AM
There is no way.
Hrimsorrow can get you to 75%, and Hatred can get you to .25phys,1.15cold for every 1 base physical.
Asphyxia's and technically Moonbender's Wing can both get you to 100% (alongside Hrimsorrow), but neither work with Glacial Hammer.
They really need to add a 50% phys->cold unique in an uncommon slot (like a belt or something).
Last edited by pneuma on Feb 2, 2016, 8:21:51 AM
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 8:21:43 AM
I like the idea of being able to use a quiver + a non bow weapon.
Would give rigwald's quill's some interesting uses with a frostblade build.
Is there a particular reason you need 100% conversion?
Last edited by Nephalim on Feb 2, 2016, 8:31:05 AM
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 8:30:32 AM
You could use Phys to Lightning and Call of the Brotherhood to convert all Lightning to cold.
I did the Hrimsorrow route way back when, it worked out fairly well. Only downside being you pretty much had to craft your own ele-weakness on hit pair if you wanted to use the curse-on-hit corruption, and corruption crafting gets really old, really fast.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 8:50:52 AM
Wouldn't it be possible to wear Hrimsorrow and an offhand Moonbender's Wing to convert 100% to cold damage? Since Moonbender's Wing doesn't work with Glacial Hammer, you would only attack with your main hand weapon, but still get the Dual Wield bonus.
I'm not sure about the conversion priorities. Maybe you get 75% Cold and 25% Lightning or something like that. Can someone confirm this?
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 1:06:02 PM
I'm not sure about the conversion priorities. Maybe you get 75% Cold and 25% Lightning or something like that. Can someone confirm this?

You would have 100% physical to cold and 25% physical to lightning with Hrim and Moonbender, which is 125% in total so it would need to be downscaled. 50% from glacial hammer would stay as is, and 75% from equipment would downscale to 50%, so you'd end up dealing 84% cold and 16% lightning. Not really worth the offhand slot.
Есть один путь - наверх!
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 1:18:04 PM
Thanks for the input guys!
Currently, the build I have mapped out has more cold damage increases than physical ones. I know that the skill benefits from the physical damage increase, and then the damage conversion and cold damage increase takes effect.
I wanted 100% conversion because otherwise, only 50% of the physical damage is converted and gains the higher bonuses to cold damage. Perhaps I can revise my build, or I may see if I can get by using Hrimsorrow and / or dual-wielding using Moonbender's Wing.
Thanks again for the suggestions, everyone.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 7:24:57 PM
i do not know details of your build (esp the power level you want to achieve and the preferred playstyle)
however some notes on my experience with Glacial Hammer and its scaling. note: lvl 90, played this build since start of open beta and respec'ed it several times just to fit my playstyle
my current weapon and GH links:
i do not use Hrimmsorrow
my take on how this skill scales and what is important to deal damage effectively:
1) monsters' armor is very low. as opposed by monsters' resistances. thats why converting EVERYTHING to elemental might result in higher tooltip but lower 'real' damage output. any kind of a map with 'monsters have +60% cold resist' is a horrid experience with 100% cold damage.
2) on the other hand Weapon Elemental Damage is a MORE multiplier to elemental damage only (that is scaled also with MORE multiplier from melee phys and then added fire/hatred/phystolightning.
3) leech. unless you take Duelist's leech nodes your leech is 'phys only'. leaving part of the damage as phys makes leech possible. it costs a lot (passives, items) to get leech from 100% elemental damage
4) for freezing, shattering etc the cold damage you deal with 'normal' 50% conversion is enough as you add lots cold from hatred
5) with Glacial Hammer go for high hit damage over attack speed. I consider Multistrike a bad choice with GH. it eases the aiming a bit however in practice setup i use in all scenarios proved to be simply better (up to tier12 maps)
i use these gloves

because Temporal Chains have insane synergy with cold damage/chill/freeze. it makes gameplay a very enjoyable and safe experience
can you by any chance post your gear and tree?
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 7:51:57 PM
This is the tree I've currently got mapped out. I'm still pretty new to designing builds for end-game content, like high-tier maps, atziri, uber, and so on.
Bandits would be Oak, point, Alira.
I don't immediately have gear too planned out. I've focused more heavily on physical damage and crit than cold in my current tree - my first one went CI / Vaal Pact / Ghost Reaver, which was a lot of investment starting from the other side of the tree, and also picked up a lot of cold damage increases.
I have 3 or 4 ex to mess around with. For my current build, I've looked at picking up a Hegemony's Era, which are an ex or two if I use my own jeweller's / fusings on it. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 8:15:50 PM
if this is your first build of this type id would opt for a safer route - 2h mace and resolute technique. hegemony's era is a very good staff however to work properly you have to have a good gear to go with it (i mean +accuracy items as without them your chance to hit is very VERY low and you wont hit nor crit)
my tree for reference:


so it is better to play something simple first and move to more advanced stuff. 2h crit builds on the left side of the tree are one of the hardest in terms of gear as you'll be spread VERY thin
another tip: plan your build with 100 points (around level 80). your build has to work at lvl 80 and remaining points just make it stronger. if your build idea 'ticks' only at 110 points it is very risky and most probably a failure
also - i recommend to play this character 'as this build' from level 1. do not use leveling shortcuts. it is very likely that you wont like the playstyle or would like to change something during the leveling process. it is perfectly ok to do so!
final note: glacial hammer's strength lies in freezing and shatter-cull. with crit build you freeze everything anyway and you also rarely benefit from the cull as you simply deal outrageous damage anyway. with Resolute Technique the skill has a more pronounced effect and just does not feel as an overkill. that ofc doesnt mean you cannot play it as crit/staff!
ps. socketing and linking requires deep pockets as you can run out of luck.. if you are poor it is better to buy the item linked already
ps2. as a melee FORGET about uber atziri. not with your budget. no way, no chance.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2016, 8:32:42 PM
Convert Physical Damage To Cold Dmg

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Convert Physical Damage To Cold Dmg Free

There are 10 normal damage types in Grim Dawn, some of which are associated with a Duration Damage sub-type. In addition, there are some abilities which reduce health by a percentage and otherwise lack a damage type. The term Elemental Damage refers to Fire, Cold, and Lightning damage types. When a source deals 'Elemental Damage', it is divided evenly between Fire, Cold, and Lightning.